Selection of female athletes 10–11 years old in group exercises in rhythmic gymnastics


  • Алла Муллагільдіна
  • Інна Красова
  • Надія Авдасьова



selection, artistic gymnastics, group exercises, body work, preparedness


Alla Mullagіldіna, Inna Krasova & Nadiia Avdasova

Purpose: to identify effective directions for the selection of athletes 10–11 years old in group exercises in rhythmic gymnastics.

Material & Methods: ten athletes of 10–11 years old, who train at the Children's Sport School in rhythmic gymnastics in Kharkov, took part in the study. Using sixteen generally accepted tests for rhythmic gymnastics, the level of development of flexibility, strength, speed, jumping ability, balance, coordination and endurance of athletes was monitored. The level of technical preparedness was determined in nine tests to fulfill the difficulties of the body in each group of elements: jumping, rotation, balance.

Results: gymnasts showed a high level in the tests: “forearm bridge” – (–18 cm), angle retention (65,7 s), double jumps (110,6 times). The average level was shown in the tests: “right twine” (59,7 cm), “raising legs in the hang” (13 times), “leaning to the side” (1,1 min), “lifting the body” (10,8 times ), “Lifting the torso back” (11,8 times), “pass on the left” (62,6 s), “juggling the right” (22 times). The female athlet made the least mistakes in the tests: “forward balance” (0,2 points), in the jump “step into the ring” (0,9 points), rotation “in the ring” (1,0 points). The gymnasts demonstrated an average level in the technique of working with the body with a deduction of 1,2 points in the tests “Jet Boucle,” “Jet Anturnan”, “90o rotation with the foot forward”.

Conclusions: the selection of athletes for the acquisition of a team for group exercises in rhythmic gymnastics was carried out according to the results of technical and physical preparedness; six gymnasts were selected, who showed a high and medium level of testing of motor qualities and body work techniques.


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How to Cite

Муллагільдіна, А., Красова, І., & Авдасьова, Н. (2020). Selection of female athletes 10–11 years old in group exercises in rhythmic gymnastics. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(75), 75–80.


