Characteristics speed-strength and psyhological characteristics of adolescents
identity, self-esteem, teen, attention, thinking speed characteristics, мuscleAbstract
Purpose:complex psychological and pedagogical research speed-power characteristics and psychological characteristics of children of secondary school age. Material and methods: test V. Abalakov's, long jump with space, running at 20 meters, shuttle run, technique «Table Schulte», methods of Diagnostics speed of thought, the method of «Self-identity», the method of establishing the probability of deviations (t-student's criterion).The speed-strength of 14–15 years children was studied. The levels of mobility of nervous processes adolescents was analyzed. Peculiarities of attention functions adolescents. Found that children of 14–15 years is a weakening of the intensity of attention during the activity. The characteristics of mental health students of secondary school age. Found that mental performance adolescents characterized hyposthenic one asthenia. The features of personality in adolescence. The characteristics of adolescents with different levels of self-identity. The differences of self-esteem of boys and girls. Conclusions: the level of physical development of teenagers is characterized by variability in the speed and strength. In children aged 14–15 are: progressive, but uneven, depending sex change speed-power capacities, decrease in the intensity of attention in the process of activity, the level of performance is characterized by mental work in, but insufficient mental stability.References
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