The Internal Factors of the Change in the Structure of the Psychological Resourcefulness




dynamics of the psychological resourcefulness, psychological resources, actualization, knowledge of resources, the internal factors of the change.


The problem of the empirical method of studying the psychological resources
actualization is formulated. It is theoretically proved that the actualization
of psychological resources makes the internal determinants of changes in its
structure, associated with the peculiarities of the person’s own resources. The
possibility of solving the problem in non-classical psychology of personality is
shown. The empirical study in 2012–2018 involved 2680 people (64% of them
were women and 36% – men) aged 18–72 years (M = 36,3; SD = 11,2). About
65% of people annually participated in the study, so we assume that it can be
considered longitudinal. To determine the psychological resourcefulness and
its components, a questionnaire of psychological resourcefulness was used.
It is established that the overall level of psychological resourcefulness for the
study period was in the range of 84,7–87,9 points, which corresponds to the
average level of psychological resourcefulness. Based on the analysis of the
differences it is found that between the components of psychological resourcefulness
for the studied seven years from 2012 till 2018, there are differences at
a statistically significant level between all resources with the exception of the
resource «self-realization in the profession». According to the results of cluster
analysis it is revealed that the indicators of the type of psychological resourcefulness
of cluster 1 «2012–2016» is a low level of psychological resources of
responsibility and knowledge of their own resources, and an indicator of the
type of psychological resourcefulness of cluster 2 «2017–2018» is a low level
of psychological resource of work on oneself. The comparative analysis revealed
that the data obtained by the methods of tree-clustering and k-means,
indicate the significance of qualitative differences in the types of psychological
resourcefulness for 2012–2016 and 2017–2018 related to the resource of faith
in goodness. Based on the results of mathematical and statistical analysis of
the survey data there have been distinguished the resources-indicators of the
type of psychological resourcefulness, resources-determinants, and resources-
predictors of the overall level of psychological resourcefulness. The main
indicator and measure of change in the structure and level of psychological
resourcefulness can be considered a person’s knowledge of his/her psychological

Author Biography

Олена Штепа, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Штепа, О. (2019). The Internal Factors of the Change in the Structure of the Psychological Resourcefulness. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (43), 246–266.