Empirical Study of the Interconnection between Value Orientations and Ethnic Identity of Student Youth





values, value orientations, goals, ethnic identity, levels of ethnic identity, traditional culture, modern culture


In this article the peculiarities of the interconnection between value orientations and the formation of the ethnic identity of student youth are analyzed. To determine students’ value orientations, a complex of techniques of domestic and foreign authors was used, they are: the test of cultural and value orientations by L. Pochebut, morphological test of vital values by V. Sopov and L. Karpushina, a test of sense-oriented orientations by J. Krambo and L. Maholik (adaptation of D. Leontiev). In order to determine the ethnic identity of student youth, a scale of the assessment of feelings related to ethnicity by N. Lebedeva, scale for evaluation the expressiveness of ethnic identity by N. Lebedeva, The Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure by J. Phinny were also used. The study, which lasted from 2015 to 2018, comprised 476 students. Value orientations of students and the level of their ethnic identity are analyzed. Statistically significant differences of student’s different levels of ethnic identity formation are described on the basis of such indicators of scales as traditional culture and modern culture. It is proved that students are more focused on the present, on modern events. Their values are focused on people, their rights, development of abilities, self-realization and self-actualization. It has been shown that student youth tends to recognize the right of society to regulate human behavior on the basis of morality, ethical norms and rules, and also to make individual decisions in the process of reconciling mutual needs, interests and plans for the future with a group, family, and work colleges. In addition, the studied group of students tends to be interested in environmental issues, harmony with nature, and its conservation. It has been found that students who gave more or less importance to different spheres of life had different level of ethnic identity. The existence of the relationship of value orientations and the level of ethnic identity is proved. It is concluded that students with certain value orientations differ in the level of ethnic identity.

Author Biography

Оксана Рибак, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Psychology


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How to Cite

Рибак, О. (2019). Empirical Study of the Interconnection between Value Orientations and Ethnic Identity of Student Youth. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (44), 278–297. https://doi.org/10.32626/2227-6246.2019-44.278-297