The Indicators of Psychological Resources Actualization




indicators of psychological resources actualization, self-efficacy, the sense of coherence, systemic reflection


The problem of uncertainty of indicators of psychological resources actualization, as a psychological state, characterizing the completeness of a certain stage, the phase of self-fulfillment is defined in the article. It is stated, that the problem of revealing the indicators of psychological resources actualization is caused by the empirical uncertainty of the coordinates of general and particular units in the system of human relations, while solving this problem will make it possible to determine the constructiveness of personality-based development. According to the results of correlation, multifactor, classification, regression analysis, it is proved, that it is reasonable to characterize the relationship between coherence, self-efficacy, systemic reflection, believe in good, creativity, knowledge of their resources, ability to update and invest, as an indicator of psychological resources actualization. It is advisable to single out the components of the external and internal configuration of the individual – respectively coherence, self-efficacy, systemic reflection and the resources of believe in good, creativity, knowledge of their resources, the ability to update and invest them. Knowledge of resources is a determinant for all components of the external and internal configuration of the personality. At the same time, this knowledge should not be self-constructed, but achieved through self-transcendence. The state of psychological resources actualization is characterized as the awareness of the personality of a new measure of spiritual tension, caused by the renewal of its knowledge of the regarding correlation of its own abilities and capabilities.

Author Biography

Олена Штепа, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Штепа, О. (2019). The Indicators of Psychological Resources Actualization. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (44), 346–367.