Psychological Justification of Using Authentic Fund of English Language by the Teachers at Secondary Schools




psycholinguistic analysis, authenticity of the material, proverbs, sayings, intuition, «subjectivization» of studied material, authentic inter-subjectivity, authentic intentionality.


The psycholinguistic analysis of English proverbs and sayings with the com-
ponent of «human activities» is made in the article. It is determined that exis-
tential phenomenology corresponds to a functional­communicative, cognitive
and anthropogenic paradigm of the research of these lexical units of the Eng-
lish language. The latetr one generates a series of psycho­linguistically prede-
termined processes.
The 0xFB01rst process is actualization of the reader’s intuition as a kind of
«presence» of the essence of the object having been studied in a mind of a
subject, «without ideological», «self­serving» presentation, due to intentional
contemplation and understanding of its eidos. It was indicated that that mo-
ment, in turn, was largely due to the authenticity of the materials having been
studied. The second process is a peculiar «subjectivization» of lexical material
having been studied, when the reader seems to «reduce» himself / herself
implicitly, his / her essence, his / her personal meaning in the language. The
latetr one allows the reader to «stay» in a paradigm of a language, «passing
through brackets» only priori judgments about a particular object of the re-
search. It was indicated that it contributed to reduce the «distance» between
the image of the reader’s world and the meaning that was embodied in a
particular proverb or saying. It was shown that the latetr, in turn, greatly fa-
cilitated the reproduction of the subject­object unity between the image of
the reader’s world according to absorbed material that deepened the mental
picture of the subject’s world.
The third process is authentic intersubjectivity, which can be interpret-
ed as a peculiar basis of the personality, the basis of human existence in the
world, the existence of the society, etc. It was shown that the authentic mate-
rial created positive conditions for the existence of so­called «egocentric par-
ticles», which each person, afetr mastering, applied in his / her own language.
It was indicated that such «egocentric particles» included discursive words,
the research of which was maximally productive in the study of proverbs and
sayings. Consequently, authentic intersubjectivity greatly stimulates the study
of a real process of functioning of a language from the point of view of the
subject of communication. 

The fourth process is the authentic intentionality as the essence of con-
sciousness, its orientation to a particular object of the research. It was sub-
stantiated that the authentic intentionality is the property of the conscious-
ness of the person, by means of which its states are characterized as some
structures which are containing content, authentic information that is beyond
the consciousness of a man, in the paradigm of a mental space of the Uni-

Author Biographies

Олександр Гудима, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiіenko University, Kamianets-Podilskyi

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor

Алла Яцюрик, International University of Economics and Humanities named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Гудима, О., & Яцюрик, А. (2019). Psychological Justification of Using Authentic Fund of English Language by the Teachers at Secondary Schools. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (45), 104–127.