Objective Approach to the Interpretation of Consciousness: Neurophysiological, Physical and Mathematical Discourses





consciousness, neurophysiology of consciousness, quantum mechanics, general theory of systems, structural­functional paradigm, explanatory paradigm, operating paradigm.


In the article basic researches of objective cognition of consciousness revea­
ling various aspects of formation of skill of distinction and radiation of con-
sciousness are described. The complementary approaches of the natural
scienti0xFB01c discourse of consciousness research are analyzed, namely neuro-

physiological ones, which raise the question of biological fundamentals of
the interlevel phenomenon of consciousness and determine the physiological
basis structural­functional вuilding of consciousness; quantum­mechanical,
based on the practice of experimental research of quantum reality and ex-
plaining the phenomenon of «consciousness»; and the system­wide, which
holistically and logically­conceptually allows to simulate the system space of
consciousness and acts as the operating paradigm of research. Meaningful
and structural formal­logical and functional features of consciousness are
investigated by methods of theoretical modeling and reconstruction. The es-
sence of classical and modern neurophysiological theories of consciousness is
revealed. Neuropsychological theories can be considered as a structural­func-
tional paradigm, which is the function of speci0xFB01c neural networks, cognitive
processes, synchronization of neural circuits and creation of new neural path-
ways in the background preserving the function of old ones, collapsing and de-
ploying multiple forms of information, merging experiences of the whole expe-
rience. The principles of quantum mechanics act as an explanatory paradigm,
which interprets the phenomenon of altered states of consciousness and the
content structure of consciousness, the units of which are the meanings that
intention aspire correlate the conscious quality with the integral picture of the
world due to the existence of a semantic 0xFB01eld. The general theory of systems
provides creation of system «semantic territory» of consciousness of the per-
sonality; the 0xFB01nding of bifurcation points in which the fullest possible set of
potential growth possibilities of the system is shown; de0xFB01nition of reinforcing
and balancing feedback loops; desired state of the system; type of attractors;
the potential of self­manifestation and self­liberation in personal activity and
building a unique own reality through continuous exchange with the outside

Author Biography

Світлана Каліщук, Kryvyi Rih Economic Institute of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kryvyi Rih

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Каліщук, С. (2019). Objective Approach to the Interpretation of Consciousness: Neurophysiological, Physical and Mathematical Discourses. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (45), 178–202. https://doi.org/10.32626/2227-6246.2019-45.178-202