Modern Multiplication as a Shaping Factor of Emotional Disturbances in Pre-School Children




emotional sphere of pre­school children, emotional disturbances, psychological analysis of multiplication, anxiety, aggression, fears.


This article examines the topical issue of emotional disturbances in pre­school
children and the role of multiplication in such disturbances. Its aim is to ana-
lyze the role of modern multiplication theoretically and experimentally in the
shaping of emotional disturbances in pre­school children.
The article provides theoretical analysis of pre­schoolers’ emotional
sphere developmental features and emotional disturbances emergence in a 

given age group. The main types of pre­school emotional disturbances and
the reasons for their emergence are analyzed. Modern multiplication is ac-
knowledged to be one of major factors for emotional disturbances shaping in
pre­school children.
The empirical research on the in0xFB02uence of modern multiplication on emo-
tional disturbances shaping in pre­school children was conducted. Empirical
methods of psychological research, such as questionnaire and psychodiagnos-
tic methodologies, were employed.
Children’s multiplication preferences and their perception of animated
0xFB01lms and their main characters are empirically identi0xFB01ed. Psychological analy-
sis of the chosen animated 0xFB01lms and their main characters is represented to
identify their in0xFB02uence on pre­schoolers’ mentality. The majority of the most
popular animated cartoons under analysis are found to have a negative e0exFB00ct
on pre­school children’s mentality. The following emotional disturbances in
pre­schoolers are empirically identi0xFB01ed: fears, aggression and anxiety. Certain
connection between the emotional disturbances in pre­schoolers and the type
of multiplication they prefer is diagnosed. As a result, the hypothesis that most
of modern multiplication in0xFB02uence pre­school children’s emotional sphere and
trigger emotional disturbances was con0xFB01rmed.

Author Biography

Ольга Міненко, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian Pedagogical University, Kropyvnytskyi

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Міненко, О. (2019). Modern Multiplication as a Shaping Factor of Emotional Disturbances in Pre-School Children. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (45), 280–295.