Cognitive Predictors of the Value of One’s Own Life in Students




value of one’s own life, feeling of the value of one’s own life, cognitive predictor of the feeling of the value of one’s own life, parameters of the value of one’s own life, modes of experiencing the feeling of the value of one’s own life in students, basic beliefs.


The aim of the article is to present the findings of the empirical research on the
feeling of the value of one’s own life (VOL) in students. Experiencing the feeling of
VOL is understood to be the intended activity of an individual through which they
reinforce (strengthen) their psychological and personal being. A presumption
about the important role of a cognitive factor in experiencing the feeling of VOL
in students was tested. In the manifestation of VOL, the role of such a cognitive
factor as basic beliefs was investigated.
Methods. Basic beliefs were diagnosed using the modified questionnaire by
R. Janoff-Bulman. To diagnose the parameters of the feeling of VOL, the author’s
questionnaire was used. 286 students took part in the testing. The correlations
between the scores of two questionnaires were calculated. Logistic regression
was used.
The results of the research. Parameters of the feeling of VOL such as
«Optimism», «Health», «Self-control, Information, Self-development», «Power,
Status, Wealth» and «Close relationships, Family, Relevance» turned out to
be closely related to measures of basic beliefs. This is especially true of beliefs
about justice, a positive self-image, control, goodwill. Age-related differences in
the structure of correlations between the measures were revealed. For senior
students, experiencing the feeling of VOL as possessing power, status and wealth
is more closely linked to a basic belief about justice than for junior students.
Concerning health, they often note the importance of control. When assessing
the role of the family and close relationships senior students rely less on good
luck than junior students.
Two modes of experiencing the feeling of VOL were singled out, the «Building
rapport with people» mode and the «Distancing from people» mode. Using
the logistic regression, the probability was calculated with which the students’
tendency to build rapport with people would prevail over the students’ tendency
to distance from people. As predictors, the regression equation included the
measures of the basic belief questionnaire.
Conclusions. It is proved that the predominance of the tendency of building
rapport over the tendency of distancing when experiencing the feeling of VOL
in students is determined by three cognitive predictors. These are beliefs about 

justice, about the control of the action and about a positive self-image. Beliefs
about the goodwill of the surrounding community and about good luck were not
included in the list of influential cognitive predictors for the feeling of VOL.

Author Biographies

Марат Кузнецов, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

Dr. in Psychology, Professor at the Department of Psychology

Набил Диаб, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Psychology


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How to Cite

Кузнецов, М., & Диаб, Н. (2020). Cognitive Predictors of the Value of One’s Own Life in Students. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (48), 175–205.