Psychological Features of the Professional Formation of Future Psychologists




individual psychological profile, motivation, professional identity, self-esteem, professiogenesis.


In the article the author describes the results of diagnostic work with firstyear
students-psychologists. The aim of the article is to highlight the results
of empirical research of individual typological features of first-year studentspsychologists,
taking into account the indicators of professional formation:
professional identity, motivation of professional activity and specificity of
professional self-realization and activity of the profession of psychologist.
A bank of diagnostic tools was used for the study, that included the following
methods: «Questionnaire for revealing the level of professional orientation
and readiness of students to professional activity» (O. Kokun), the technique
«Motivation of professional activity» (K. Zamfir, modifications by A. Rean),
the technique «The Research of professional identity» (L. Schneider), the test 

«Who am I?» (M. Kun, T. Markpartland; in Rumiantseva’s modification), the test
«Individual-typological questionnaire» (L. Sobchyk). The choice of methods is
conditioned by the concept of E. Zeer about four components of professional
Thirty first-year students-psychologists of Kherson State University
participated in the study. According to the results of the study, the correlations
were formed between indices of individual typological characteristics with
pronounced motivational component to professional activity, level of professional
identity and self-esteem of the individual.
Conclusions. The first-year students tend to be approved in a social group;
social relations, position in the team and relationships with teachers are
significant at this stage of age development; the achieved professional identity
is formed in only one third of the respondents. The first-year students have the
best motivation complexes, at this age period the professional achievement is
not a priority, but the formation of one’s identity is significant.

Author Biography

Олена Танасійчук, Kherson State University, Kherson (Ukraine)

Postgraduate Student, Department of Practical Psychology


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How to Cite

Танасійчук, О. (2020). Psychological Features of the Professional Formation of Future Psychologists. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (48), 253–271.