Psychological Ways of the Development of Intercultural Competence of Pupils in the Field of «Foreign Language Education» (according to the Experience of Education in Foreign Countries)




intercultural competence, representatives of different countries and cultures, openness to different cultures, protection of cultural identity of each person, negation and rejection of the phenomena of a foreign-language culture.


The purpose of our research is to show psychological ways of the development of intercultural competence of pupils in the field of «Foreign Language Education» (according to the experience of education in foreign countries).

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.

The results of the research. In the article we showed in details what exactly means the expression «European development in education»: the desire to understand the representatives of different countries and cultures, to overcome prejudice towards them, to recognize their common interests, respecting national ones; openness to different cultures, protection of cultural identity of each person; respect for legal obligations and legal decisions within the paradigm of human rights; the desire to coexist in harmony and to have compromises, allowing the reconciliation of interests of different parties; the protection of freedom, pluralistic democracy, human rights and affairs; the development of the system of production and economic exchanges between the states, which are the factors of individual and social well-being of political stability; the concern for the preservation of ecological balance in Europe and in the whole world; the desire to preserve peace in Europe and in a whole world.

Conclusions. Psychological ways with the aim to develop pupils’ intercultural competence were: to provide pupils with information about the socio-cultural plan, which sometimes remains beyond their control; to prove practically that cultural phenomena are most clearly manifested in a certain economic or political perspective; to teach to work with a limited amount of information; to teach to avoid negation and rejection of the phenomena of a foreign-language culture; to have reflexive attitude to their own activity.

In the methodology of teaching foreign languages to the means of training there were put forward certain requirements. So, learning methods with the aim to develop intercultural competence of pupils should: a) to be acted in a form of material and perform its main functions, such as to be means of the activity that ensures the activity of a teacher and the activities of pupils in the educational process of studying a foreign language; b) to be oriented towards the purpose of training, that is, with the aim to contribute to the achievement of goals in the process of teaching a foreign language; c) to be instruments of the implementation of methods and techniques used in the educational process, and ensure the management of the activities of a teacher and the activities of a pupil; d) to correspond to the contemporary achievements of the methodology of teaching foreign languages and to ensure the implementation of the latest technologies of teaching a foreign language.

Author Biographies

Едуард Івашкевич, Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne

Dr. in Psychology, Professor

Олександр Гудима, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiіenko University, Kamianets-Podilskyi

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Івашкевич, Е., & Гудима, О. (2020). Psychological Ways of the Development of Intercultural Competence of Pupils in the Field of «Foreign Language Education» (according to the Experience of Education in Foreign Countries). Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (49), 84–105.