Personal Meanings in Expressions of Preschool Children
speech activity, linguistic personality, dialogic speech, interpersonal speech communication, meaning, story.Abstract
Using the methods of comparing, generalizing the results of the analysis of scientific principles the attempt to distinguish some procedural and substantive characteristics of personal meaning in the expressions of preschoolers was made in order to determine the integration perspectives for optimizing the personal development of a child, that became the purpose of the article.
The scientific and categorical analysis of the understanding the concept of personal meaning and the factors influencing its formation has been made. The interconnection and interdependence of personal meaning in the speech activity of preschool children is shown.
According to the results of the study, it is pointed out that individual personality traits are manifested in the speech expression as a product of speech activity in the following characteristics: 1) proper linguistic (linguistic, speech and semantic); 2) psychological (motivational, cognitive, emotional, productive and resultative). From the point of view of modern psycholinguistics, the peculiarities of the personal meaning in the preschoolers’ expressions are considered as a multidimensional process, in which the structures of individual experience, characterized by the subjective content, are determinative. It is stated that the utterance is a kind of speech and it refers to stories with the sequence of events. It is noted that a child of preschool age acquires personality-based meaning by cognizing or experiencing various information, life situations, set of circumstances of social interpersonal interaction.
On the basis of the theoretical analysis it is proved that actualization of the personality-based meaning in the utterances of preschool children is conditioned by: a) interaction; b) dialogic speech; c) intentional organization of expression and its implication. On the basis of them it is possible to determine the conditions of formation of personal meanings in preschool childhood and the specificity of their expression by preschoolers in speech stories. The expediency of using an interactive approach in interpreting preschool students’ oral stories in situations of everyday life in interpersonal speech communication is proved.
It is concluded that manifestations of personality-based meaning in children utterances are the major marker of interpersonal speech communication, which is considered as a semantic interaction of its subjects. It provides the presence of such speech abilities as speaking and listening, the functional unit of which is the utterance related with lexical-semantic meanings of the word.
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