Theoretical Principles of the Study of the Essence of Depression and Depressive States and Their Psychological Manifestations




depression, types of depression, depressive states, psychological manifestations of depressive states.



 The aim of the article. The research purpose is to analyze the concept of depression and depressive states as a scientific category and to consider the main approaches to their study in the historical aspect, to reveal the essence and peculiarities of depression and depressive states, to examine their main types and systematize the psychological manifestations.

Methods. The research is based on the system analysis of scientific literature allowing us to find out the approaches of modern scientists to understanding the depression and depressive states.

The results of the research. The attention is paid to the fact that depression and depressive states are affective states characterized by the negative emotio nal background, a change in the motivational sphere, cognitive perceptions and general passive behavior.

The main classifications of depressions and depressive states are analyzed. Accordingly, they can be divided into the following types: on the basis of phenomenological and nosological characteristics, exogenous and endogenous, mild, moderate and severe types.

It is shown that the phenomenological classifications are based on the division of depressions by their clinical manifestations (phenomenological characteristics). While the nosological classification is based on the division of depressions by causes and conditions of their occurrence.

It is stated that the group of psychogenic depressions (exogenous, reactive depression) includes disorders arising on the basis of emotional experiences as a person’s reaction to a certain traumatic situation. The group of endogenous depressions consists of disorders that reach a psychotic level.

The types of depressions and depressive states are also distinguished by the complexity of their occurrence: mild, moderate and severe. The main psychological manifestations of depressive states (emotional, cognitive, behavioral and physiological) are characterized.

Conclusions. The concept of depression is determined. The classification of types of depression is revealed. The psychological manifestations of depressive states are characterized. In addition, it is indicated that the content definition and disclosure of features of depressive states can further be applied as the basis for diagnostic and remedial-developmental practices for preventing and reducing the manifestation of depressive states in different life periods of the personality.

Author Biography

Наталія Круглова, Kyiv Institute of Modern Psychology and Psychotherapy, Kyiv

Postgraduate Student of Department of Clinical Psychology


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How to Cite

Круглова, Н. (2020). Theoretical Principles of the Study of the Essence of Depression and Depressive States and Their Psychological Manifestations. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (49), 202–223.