Psychological Mechanism of Sinibularity of Assessing Learner’s Listening Skills at Secondary Schools




psychological mechanism of sinibularity, the cumulative feature of recognition, co-image, testing, associative chains, the concept, form-semantic connections, external features, internal qualities.


The aim of this research is to define different kinds of means for testing of the understanding of a listened audio-text, such as non-verbal means, verbal ones and reproductive means.

Methods of the research. There were used the following general scientific methods: the method of induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis, comparative and descriptive methods and explanatory ones.

The results of the research. There were proposed the tasks for pupils at the lessons of a foreign language, updated the psychological mechanism of the cumulative feature of recognition, which allowed us quickly, almost simultaneously formulate for each person a new task and to do its co-image and recognize it in a view of that new design. It was shown that recognition itself did not become a problem for the pupil, because that problem would be determined the significance of the task itself. However, such a possibility itself in terms of tremendous perception of some task is quite questionable, but, at the same time, the pupil performs this task. This psychological mechanism is the mechanism of sinibularity.

It was shown that sinibularity was a mechanism that actualized the similarity, compatibility of objects according to their individual components, details, features. It is the basis for the formation of associative chains and it is one of the factors that forms the concept. The sinibular associative chain is a mono-modal mental construction that will be created due to the identical features of different concepts of each object. The fixation of sinibular relations is based on the possibility of recognizing the object not only taking into account the pattern, but also understanding its individual details; irradiation of the significance of the object on its basic features and the peculiarities of their restructuring affects is based on some features, and the presence of form-semantic connections facilitate the connection of external features of the object with its internal qualities, properties and characteristics.

Conclusions. The psychological mechanism of sinibularity provides pupils with the solution of linguistic problems and tasks at the lessons of a foreign language by updating basic four components of the philological consciousness of the person: the identification of features (or characteristics) of a certain lexical or grammatical structure; the range of variations of their significance in the paradigm of this group of linguistic units (so-called objective concept); the level of acceptability of this variation; the differentiation of this concept, etc.

Author Biographies

Ернест Івашкевич, Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne

Ph.D. in Psychology, Lecturer of the Department of Practice of English, Translator

Людмила Комарніцька, Podilskyi Special Educational and Rehabilitation Social-Economical College, Kamianets-Podilsky

Ph.D. in Рhilology, Lecturer of the Department of Social Work
and Psychology


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How to Cite

Івашкевич, Е., & Комарніцька, Л. (2020). Psychological Mechanism of Sinibularity of Assessing Learner’s Listening Skills at Secondary Schools. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (50), 53–74.