The Procedural Logic of the Existential and Systemic Reorganization of the Personality’s «Picture of the World»
reorganization, semantic field, mnemonic contexts, «worldview», procedural logic.Abstract
Purpose. The article highlights the functional aspect of the existential and systemic reorganizational action, with the definition of microgenetic (formation) and psychological and genetic (development) dynamics of the semantic architectonics of the personality’s consciousness.
Methods. Genetic and modeling, systemic, structural and integrative and subject and activity methodological approaches are involved in the study.
The results of the research. The internal procedural plan of the existential and systemic concept is revealed and the mechanism of dynamics of the personality’s «worldview» is substantiated. The formal and logical scheme of reorga nizational action as a system of constructs of its semantic description and corresponding actions is given. The internal logic of reorganization of the personality’s «worldview» is determined. A procedural model of the reorganizational action of the existential and systemic concept is constructed. This model reflects the analysis of the genetic relations of the constructs of the research on the semantic architectonics of the personality’s consciousness. It is determined that the focus and, at the same time, the main mechanism of the reorganization process is the structure and quality (consistency-inconsistency; anachronism-novelty; uniformity-variability; standard nature-originality) of connections between the found meanings of the previously formed semantic field and its mnemonic contexts. The operational model of practical action of a counseling psychologist is described. This model reproduces the process of reorganization on the multi-vector plane of the trans-theoretical existential and systemic concept, containing stages, levels, processes of transformation, aim, units of analysis, contact elements, operational techniques, basic skills and factors of influence.
Conclusion. Explaining the principles of the functional perspective of the existential and systemic model is a consistent step in the methodological conceptualization of the trans-theoretical approach, the capabilities of which allow to cover all cognitive patterns of meaning formation, namely: sensory and perceptual (symptoms, sensations), imaginations (images of self, world, situation), thinking (typical cognitive schemes of interpretation of reality and its representation), affective (usual emotional patterns and states), reflexive (I am, this is me, this is my World). The analysis of genetic relations of constructs of dynamics research on semantic architectonics of the personality’s consciousness («worldview», «semantic field», «reorganizational action», «function of experience», «paradoxical connection») provides the development of procedural laws of reorganizational action of the concept. The combination of genetic and modeling and structural and integrative approaches allows us to trace the movement of the personality’s «worldview» reorganization, based on functional psychological analysis and to find answers to questions about the probability of set transformations and the limits of functional capabilities of the concept.
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