Psychological Analysis of Different Types of Discourse




discourse, discourse as a means of communicative action, discourse as a means of ideological influence, therapeutic discourse, a normal discourse, a scientific discourse, Pragmatic Psychology.


The purpose of this article is to define different approaches to the classification of discourse, to actualize the main criteria for the selection of types of discourse, to show concepts with the help of which we’ll describe great differences between some types of discourse, to propose examples of such exercises-tasks that will help to more clearly and specifically present the practical use of this scientific discourse, to display discourse as one of the main concepts of contemporary Pragmatic Psychology.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.

The results of the research. Scientists identify five types of discourse, which are implemented depending on the situation: discourse as a means of communicative action (for example, conversation for the purpose of information and education or a pre-arranged discussion); discourse as a means of ideological influence, that is the process of communicative action, which only takes the form of discourse (all forms of ideological justification); therapeutic discourse (psychoanalytic conversation between a doctor and a patient); a normal discourse, which has the aim to provide a scientific discussion; new forms of discourse (learning through discourse instead of discourse as a tool for information and instruction, a model of a free seminar discussion). According to these types in the article there were proposed examples of such exercises-tasks that will help pupils more clearly and specifically present the practical use of this scientific discourse.

Conclusions. We believe that Pragmatic Psychology can be shown as the independent interdisciplinary field of knowledge that closely interacts with Linguistic Pragmatics and Cognitive Psychology. Pragmatic Psychology in its scientific paradigm focuses on two basic, intertwined concepts – the meaning and the activity. Pragmatic Psychology is the core of a purely activity approach according to people’s speech, a global analysis of purposeful human use of sound structures, such as segmental and prosodic, tokens, word forms, schemes, phrases and sentences, different types of elementary speech acts and their complexes, communicative moves as chains, discourses of different types, etc. Thus, having had such a wide field of scientific research, Pragmatic Psychology is actualized on two levels of its analysis – a superficial (symbolic) level and a deep (cognitive-semantic) one. Thus, Pragmatic Psychology implies the subjective-activity space of the addressee (his / her pragmatic attitudes, deixis, features of quasi-communication), performativity, the theory of speech acts, various explicit and implicit ways of organizing the language code by the subjects of communication (press position, implication, implicative scripts, maxims of cooperative interaction of partners of communication, indirect speech acts, conditions of productivity and success of the process of communication in general); theoretical and applied aspects of relevance; psycholinguistic principles and mechanisms of communication; some aspects of the theory of speech interaction and conversational speech. 

Author Biographies

Наталія Михальчук, Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne

Dr. in Psychology, Professor

Ліана Онуфрієва, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiіenko University, Kamianets-Podilskyi

Ph. D. in Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of General and Applied Psychology


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How to Cite

Михальчук, Н., & Онуфрієва, Л. (2020). Psychological Analysis of Different Types of Discourse. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (50), 188–210.