Psychological Support of the Integration Process of Ukrainian Students: European Experience




adaptation, integration, applicants and students, refugees, psychological support, educational services


The war in Ukraine has caused an active migration of Ukrainians to European countries. Despite being in a safe place, people who have obtained temporary protection still remain under acute stress. The complex psycho-emotional state of refugees is caused by psychological traumas from the war experience and is complicated by the loss of their status in a new country, forced exit from their comfort zone, awareness of their own helplessness, insecurity and alienation. Unlike adults, children and adolescents who have suddenly become displaced, worry about separation from loved ones, loss of contact with peers, separation from the group in a new socio-cultural environment more acutely. Among the refugee children, a large part of those people who had hopes for the future of entering the chosen specialty and university, had to retreat from their dreams and quickly make decisions (not always of their own free will) about how and where to enter or continue their studies in a new country. Understanding the complexity of the psycho-emotional state of applicants and students from Ukraine, the Career Center of Masaryk University has developed a number of services aimed at psychological support of the process of Ukrainian applicants’ integration into the European space.

The purpose of the research is to highlight the features of providing psychological support services, as well as the intermediate result of the study of the effectiveness of the implemented program on the development of adaptability of applicants and students from Ukraine who wanted to study at Masaryk University.

Methods of the research. To analyze the effectiveness of the developed services and to determine the needs of applicants, an online and offline survey with a semi-closed questionnaire was used. In order to analyze the level of adaptability of the applicants, the scales on the “Questionnaire of personality adaptation to a new sociocultural environment” method were used.

The results of the research. The obtained results are intermediate in determining the effectiveness of the developed services. At the same time, the results of the initial and re-diagnosis of the participants of training aimed at the development of adaptability, as a leading factor of successful integration, made it possible to record the improvement of psycho-emotional state of applicants and students from Ukraine.

Conclusions. The obtained intermediate results of the quality assessment of the developed services testify to their expediency and effectiveness, which is achieved due to the complexity, variety of forms and types of services, as well as the combination of theoretical and practical bases on the way to the formation of adaptability and optimization of the process of integration of applicants and students from Ukraine.

Author Biography

Sofiia Berezka, SIHE “Donbas State Pedagogical University”

Assistant Professor of the Department of Practical Psychology, SIHE “Donbas State Pedagogical University”, Sloviansk (Ukraine), Consultant of the Career and Counseling Center of Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic)


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How to Cite

Berezka, S. (2022). Psychological Support of the Integration Process of Ukrainian Students: European Experience. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (58), 9–25.