Psycholinguistic Paradigm of Transformational Model of English-Ukrainian Translation




Transformational Model, English-Ukrainian Translation, grammatical transformations, communicative activity, speaking activity, the level of personal anxiety, the level of situational anxiety, the language hearing level


The purpose of our research is: 1) to show the main psychological characteristics of oral translation activity; 2) to organize the ascertainment study and to analyze the results of it according to the selected criteria, such as: a) the level of students’ communicative and speaking activity; b) the level of personal and situational anxiety; c) the language hearing level; 3) to propose Transformational Model of English-Ukrainian Translation, using English phraseological units, and to describe it.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. The empirical method is ascertaining research.

The results of the research. We think that the data of psycholinguistic observations are the means of modifying existing models of implementation of translation activities. We propose a universal Transformational Model of English- Ukrainian Translation as the most possible translation model. We believe that this model includes three stages: 1) the analysis, during which the surface structure in language A is reduced to a set of grammatical transformations (the analysis taking into account grammatical relations and meanings of linguistic units); 2) transferring the analyzed material from language A to language B; 3) the reconstruction or final adaptation of the final message taking into account the norms of the language having been used to translate the text.

Conclusions. We proved that grammatical transformations were one of the methods of semantic analysis of the original text and one of the ways of constructing the final statement. However, reducing the translation to only grammatical transformations somewhat simplifies the real process of translation, since it uses both lexical-syntactic paraphrasing and semantic modifications due to situational-pragmatic factors, etc. As a result, the translation itself is considered by us as a combination of three components: on the one hand, it is a product, on the other one, it is a certain number of technologies, and on the third hand, it is a process of combining (for the translator) a certain set of signs (the original text) and taking into account the effectiveness of semantic perception by the recipient of a set of signs offered to him/her by the translator.


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How to Cite

Ivashkevych, E. (2023). Psycholinguistic Paradigm of Transformational Model of English-Ukrainian Translation. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (59), 29–50.