Psychodiagnostic Research of a Dialogue in Culturally Oriented Surrounding in the Process of School Studying
a dialogue, culturally oriented surrounding, low level of validity of opinions, a discussion, educational activityAbstract
The purpose of our research is to provide psychodiagnostic research of a dialogue in culturally oriented surrounding in the process of school studying.
Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. The experimental method was the method of organizing empirical research.
The results of the research. We proved that the reasons of a low level of validity of opinions and judgments by pupils are: 1) unsuccessful organization of the discussion at the English language classes; 2) as a consequence of the first reason – pupils are not familiar with the discussion as a form of educational activity, they do not know how to behave at such a lesson, and most often choose a standard position of a “pupil” who listens carefully to the teacher, answers his/ her questions concisely, clearly, regardless of schoolchild’s point of view; 3) 68% of pupils do not understand why they need to justify their opinions (because they always express only those opinions that are in their textbooks or that were expressed by the teacher at the previous lesson); 4) 32% of schoolchildren are afraid to substantiate their statement “incorrectly”, “ not methodically” and to get a bad mark.
Conclusions. We distinguish, on the one hand, a dialogue, and on the other one – a simple conversation. A dialogue is understood as a mutual communication that has specific features: thematic focus or a problem solving, getting twoway information, the combination of thematic focus with two-way transmission of information that helps to solve a common problem in any way. Also we distinguish between linguistic and psychological understanding of a dialogue, emphasizing that in the process of psychological studying of a dialogue it is necessary to pay a great attention to both the informative exchange between partners and the features of their relationships, in particular their aspect of role interaction.
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