Psychology of Mastering Intercultural Competence of Future Translators




intercultural competence, effective translational activity, the world image, skills and abilities of future translators, representatives of different cultures


The purpose of our research is to show the context of the definition of “intercultural competence”; to explain the connection between the structural components of intercultural competence and necessary skills and abilities of future translators with the purpose to do effective translational activity; to determine Psychology of mastering intercultural competence of future translators.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. The ascertaining research was used as an empirical

The results of the research. We proved, that in the process of oral translation a real process of thought generation, the path from meaning to finding meaning (and vice versa – from meaning to meaning) was much more difficult. It is not limited to certain structural models, because in translation, as well as in the process of intercultural communication, the most difficult thing can be the definition of not even individual signs, realities, but the peculiarities of their relationships in the minds of representatives of different cultures, in which there is a functional coincidence of the main and secondary characteristics, figures and backgrounds, which, in turn, facilitate the development of intercultural competence.

Conclusions. The most effective implementation of the intermediary role of the translator can only be perceived by us as a result of his/her consistent appeal to culture-specific and universal aspects of the phenomena having been studied, which is achieved by consistent movement in the space of comparative cultures in the direction of emic – etic – emic. By this way it is also the process of the development of intercultural competence of students – future translators. Cognitive structures, having been formed in the course of such a reflexive movement, must be combined in cognitive models with language signs that correspond to the world image. The dominant role in the process of forming the intercultural competence of students – future translators display to the greatest extent by the thinking scheme of representatives of a certain linguistic and cultural community. These processes testify to the considerable role of the basic components of translation activity: psychological and linguistic elements, verbal methods of performing oral translation.




How to Cite

Ivashkevych, E. (2023). Psychology of Mastering Intercultural Competence of Future Translators. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (60), 30–50.