Оцінка втрат електричної енергії, що викликані зниженням її якості


  • I. V. Zhezhelenko ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Україна
  • V. V. Nesterovych ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Україна



Ключові слова:

якість електричної енергії, втрати електричної енергії, спотворення форм кривих напруги та струму, вища гармоніка, спектральний склад струму, трансформатор


Виконано порівняльний аналіз відомих методик розрахунків додаткових втрат електричної енергії, що викликані зниженням її якості. Показано, що відомі методики оцінки додаткових втрат електричної енергії передбачають використання великого обсягу вихідної інформації про параметри електрообладнання та режиму електричної мережі, що робить невиправдано складним і трудомістким їх застосування в значній кількості випадків. На основі проведеного аналізу розроблено класифікацію та визначено можливі сфери застосування цих методик, сформульовані вимоги до них

Біографії авторів

I. V. Zhezhelenko, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

Доктор технічних наук, професор

V. V. Nesterovych, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

Кандидат технічних наук, доцент


Список использованных источников (ГОСТ):

Estimation and classification of power losses due to reduced power quality / T. Bantras [et al.] // 2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (22-26 July 2012, San Diego, California). – IEEE, 2012. – P. 1-6.

Yazdani-Asrami M. Harmonic Study for MDF industries: a case study / M. Yazdani-Asrami, S.M.B. Sadati, E. Samadaei // 2011 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Colloquium (18-19 April 2011, Johor Bharu, Malaysia). – IEEE, 2011. – P. 149-154.

Analysis of losses in cables and transformers under power quality related issues / F.L. Tofoli [et al.] // Nineteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (22-26 Feb. 2004). – IEEE: 2004. – Vol. 3. – P. 1521-1526.

Modelling and sensitivity analysis of the thermal behaviour of LV-cables for different current conditions / J.J. Desmet [et al.] // 2004 11th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power. – IEEE, 2004. – P. 471-476.

Cobben J.F.G. Increasing energy efficiency by improving power quality / J.F.G. Cobben, V. Cuk, W.L. Kling // 15 WSEAS International Conference on Systems: Proceedings (14-16 July 2011, Corfu, Greece). – Wisconsin : WSEAS Press, 2011. – P. 298-301.

Bina M.T. Three-phase unbalance of distribution systems: complementary analysis and experimental case study / M.T. Bina, A. Kashefi // International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. – 2011. – Vol. 33. – №. 4. – P. 817-826.

Bhattacharyya S. Power quality requirements and responsibilities at the point of connection: Ph.D. dissertation / S. Bhattacharyya. – Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2011. – 268 p.

Hagh M.T. Investigation of harmonic current source effects on distribution and transmission lines capacity and losses: case study / M.T. Hagh, A.R. Milani, M.R. Azimizadeh // International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering (IJTPE). – 2011. – Iss. 8. – Vol. 3. – № 3. – P. 81-85.

An analysis of costs related to the loss of power quality / F.C. Pereira [et al.] // 8th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power: Proceedings (14-16 Oct. 1998). – IEEE, 1998. – Vol. 2. – P. 777-782.

Жежеленко И.В. Электромагнитная совместимость потребителей : монография / И.В. Жежеленко [и др.]. – М. : Машиностроение, 2012. – 349 с.

Derating of transformers under non-sinusoidal loads / S.M.B. Sadati [et al.] // 11th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (22-24 May 2008). – IEEE, 2008. – P. 263-268.

Evaluation of distribution transformer losses and remaining life considering network har-monic, based on analytical and simulation methods / S.M.B. Sadati [et al.] // Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. – 2010. – Vol. 4. – № 10. – P. 5291-5299.

Key T.S. Costs and benefits of harmonic current reduction for switch-mode power supplies in a commercial office building / T.S. Key, J.-S. Lai // IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. – 1996. – Vol. 32. – № 5. – P. 1017-1025.

The effects of harmonic components on transformer losses of sinusoidal source supplying non-linear loads / I. Daut [et al.] // American Journal of Applied Sciences. – 2006. –Vol. 3. – № 12. – P. 2131-2133.

Biricik S. A method for power losses evaluation in single phase transformers under linear and nonlinear load conditions / S. Biricik, Ö.C. Özerdem // Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Journal of Electrical Review). – 2011. – Vol. 87. – № 12a. – P. 74-77.

Biricik S. Experimental study and comparative analysis of transformer harmonic behaviour under linear and nonlinear load conditions / S. Biricik, Ö.C. Özerdem // 10th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (8-11 May 2011). – IEEE, 2011. – P. 1-4.

Kefalas T.D. Harmonic impact on distribution transformer no-load loss / T.D. Kefalas, A.G. Kladas // IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. – 2010. – Vol. 57. – № 1. – P. 193-200.

Analysis based on improved method for transformer harmonic losses / C. Pan [et al.] // Energy Procedia. – 2012. – Vol. 16. – P. 1845-1851.

Said D.M. Analysis of distribution transformer losses and life expectancy using measured harmonic data / D.M. Said, K.M. Nor, M.S. Majid // Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (26-29 Sept. 2010, Bergamo). – IEEE, 2010. – P. 1-6.

Power quality impact on performance and associated costs of three-phase induction motors / O.C.N. Souto [et al.] // 8th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power: Proceedings (14-16 Oct. 1998). – IEEE, 1998. – Vol. 2. – P. 791-797.

Analysis of K-rated transformer to make it suitable to handle the harmonics generated by solid state devices on the load side / M.K. Verma [et al.] //International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. – 2014. – Vol. 4. – Iss. 9. – P. 508-514.

Evaluation of distribution system losses due to load unbalance / L.F. Ochoa [et al.] // 15th Power Systems Computation Conference (22-26 Aug 2005, Liège). – 2005. – P. 1-4.

Толшаков А.В. Анализ потерь в сетях электроснабжающих организаций Удмуртской республики и пути их снижения. Нормирование технологических потерь электрической энергии / А.В. Толшаков // Промышленная энергетика. – 2012. – № 8. – С. 2-5.

Жежеленко И.В. Амплитудно-частотные характеристики электрических сетей / И.В. Жежеленко, Ю.Л. Саенко. – Мариуполь : ПГТУ, 1998. – 99 с.


Bantras T., Ćuk V., Cobben J.F.G., Kling W.L. Estimation and classification of power losses due to reduced power quality. Abstracts of IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2012, pp. 1-6. (Eng.)

Yazdani-Asrami M., Sadati S.M.B., Samadaei E. Harmonic study for MDF industries: a case study. Abstracts of IEEE Applied Power Electronics Colloquium, 2011, pp. 149-154. (Eng.)

Tofoli F.L., Morais A.S., Gallo C.A., Sanhueza S.M.R., De Oliveira A. Analysis of losses in cables and transformers under power quality related issues. Abstracts of 19th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2004, vol. 3, pp. 1521-1526. (Eng.)

Desmet J.J., Putman D.J., Vanalme G.M., Belmans R.J. Modelling and sensitivity analysis of the thermal behaviour of LV-cables for different current conditions. Abstracts of 11th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, 2004, pp. 471-476. (Eng.)

Cobben J.F.G., Cuk V., Kling W.L. Increasing energy efficiency by improving power quality. Abstracts of 15th WSEAS International Conference on Systems, 2011, pp. 298-301. (Eng.)

Bina M.T., Kashefi A. Three-phase unbalance of distribution systems: Complementary analysis and experimental case study. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2011, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 817-826. (Eng.)

Bhattacharyya S. Power quality requirements and responsibilities at the point of connection. Ph. D. diss. Eindhoven, 2011. 268 p. (Eng.)

Hagh M.T., Milani A.R., Azimizadeh M.R. Investigation of harmonic current source effects on distribution and transmission lines capacity and losses: case study. International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering (IJTPE), 2011, iss. 8, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 81-85. (Eng.)

Pereira F.C., Souto O.C.N., De Oliveira J.C., Vilaca A.L.A., Ribeiro P.F. An analysis of costs related to the loss of power quality. Abstracts of 8th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, 1998, vol. 2, pp. 777-782. (Eng.)

Zhezhelenko I.V., Shidlovskii A.K., Pivniak G.G., Saenko Iu.L., Noiberger N.A. Elektromagnitnaia sovmestimost' potrebitelei [Electromagnetic compatibility of consumers]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 2012. 349 p. (Rus.)

Sadati S.M.B., Tahani A., Jafari M., Dargahi M. Derating of transformers under non-sinusoidal loads. Abstracts of 11th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, 2008, pp. 263-268. (Eng.)

Sadati S.M.B., Motevali B.D., Dargahi M., Yazdani-Asrami M. Evaluation of distribution transformer losses and remaining life considering network harmonic, based on analytical and simulation methods. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2010, vol. 4, no. 10, pp. 5291-5299. (Eng.)

Key T.S., Lai J.-S. Costs and benefits of harmonic current reduction for switch-mode power supplies in a commercial office building. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 1996, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 1017-1025. (Eng.)

Daut I., Syafruddin H.S., Ali R., Samila M., Haziah H. The effects of harmonic components on transformer losses of sinusoidal source supplying non-linear loads. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2006, vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 2131-2133. (Eng.)

Biricik S., Özerdem Ö.C. A method for power losses evaluation in single phase transformers under linear and nonlinear load conditions. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny – Journal of Electrical Review, 2011, vol. 87, no. 12a, pp. 74-77. (Eng.)

Biricik S., Özerdem Ö.C. Experimental study and comparative analysis of transformer harmonic behaviour under linear and nonlinear load conditions. Abstracts of 10th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 2011, pp. 1-4. (Eng.)

Kefalas T.D., Kladas A.G. Harmonic impact on distribution transformer no-load loss. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2010, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 193-200. (Eng.)

Pan C., Kong L., Zhenxin L., Zheng Q., Wang Z. Analysis based on improved method for transformer harmonic losses. Energy Procedia, 2012, vol. 16, pp. 1845-1851. (Eng.)

Said D.M., Nor K.M., Majid M.S. Analysis of distribution transformer losses and life expec-tancy using measured harmonic data. Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, 2010, pp. 1-6. (Eng.)

Souto O.C.N., De Oliveira J.C., Neto L.M., Ribeiro P.F. Power quality impact on performance and associated costs of three-phase induction motors. Abstracts of 8th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, 1998, vol. 2, pp. 791-797. (Eng.)

Verma M. K., Kaushik R., Prabhakar P., Sengupta M. K. Analysis of K-rated transformer to make it suitable to handle the harmonics generated by solid state devices on the load side. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 2014, vol. 4, iss. 9, pp. 508-514. (Eng.)

Ochoa L.F., Ciric R.M., Padilha-Feltrin A., Harrison G.P. Evaluation of distribution system losses due to load unbalance. Abstracts of 15th Power Systems Computation Conference, 2005, pp. 1-4. (Eng.)

Tolshakov A.V. Analiz poter' v setiakh elektrosnabzhaiushchikh organizatsii Udmurtskoi respubliki i puti ikh snizheniia. Normirovanie tekhnologicheskikh poter' elektricheskoi energii [Analysis of losses in the networks of power supply organizations of the Udmurt Republic and ways to reduce them. Normalization of technological losses of electrical energy]. Promyshlennaia energetika – Industrial power engineering, 2012, no. 8, pp. 2-5. (Rus.)

Zhezhelenko I.V., Saenko Iu.L. Amplitudno-chastotnye kharakteristiki elektricheskikh setei [Amplitude-frequency characteristics of electrical networks]. Mariupol, PSTU Publ., 1998. 99 p. (Rus.)


Як цитувати

Zhezhelenko, I. V., & Nesterovych, V. V. (2017). Оцінка втрат електричної енергії, що викликані зниженням її якості. Вісник Приазовського Державного Технічного Університету. Серія: Технічні науки, (34), 119–126. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6733.34.2017.105674