Development of a technology with an iodine-containing additive to produce kefir from goat milk
goat milk kefir, milk mixture/formula, iodine-containing additive, Elamine, amino acids, fatty acidsAbstract
The authors have suggested a technology of making goat milk kefir using an iodine-containing supplement – Elamine.
The applicability of the iodine-containing additive Elamine was determined in experimental batches of goat milk kefir in terms of increasing the amounts of macro and micro nutrients, including organic iodine and essential amino acids and fatty acids. Tests were conducted to specify the physicochemical and biochemical properties of the aforementioned additive.
It has been determined that Elamine contains calcium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, iron, and iodine in the amounts of 1.293, 0.156, 0.612, 0.915, 3.42 and 554 mg/kg, respectively. This indicates that the iodine-containing additive comprises in its composition a balanced set of macro and micro elements in an organically bound form. The contents of iodine, phosphorus, calcium, and iron are higher than in other additives.
According to the FAO/WHO scale, the scores of all the essential amino acids of the iodine-containing supplement Elamine (threonine, valine, methionine+cystine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine+tyrosine, and tryptophan) are 15.5, 19.6, 17.1, 32.5, 17 3, 176.4 and 37.0 % higher than in the ideal protein.
The only exception is the amino acid lysine, whose score was found to be by 28.5 % lower, compared to the same property of the ideal protein. This indicates that the protein of the iodine-containing supplement is of full value as to the content of essential amino acids.
Adding Elamine to a milk mixture in a concentration of 0.10...0.15 mass % increased the amounts of essential amino acids and fatty acids in the experimental batches of kefir. This additive stimulates the growth of lactic acid bacteria in kefir up to 2.2×107…2.5×107 CFU/cm3 (2.2-2.5 times in comparison with the control sample).
The amount of yeast in the experimental batches of kefir increased slightly – by 0.5 CFU/cm3, compared with the reference.
The increased amounts of beneficial microflora components in the experimental batches of kefir stimulated the intensity of the lactic fermentation of milk sugar. This contributed to reducing the milk clot formation time by 2 hours (6 hours instead of 8 hours in the control sample).
The aforementioned allows recommending dairy processors of Ukraine to implement the advanced technology of producing cost-effective high-quality kefir from goat milkReferences
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