Survey of characteristics of dairy-protein concentrates in the low-temperature storage process




milk-protein concentrate, differential scanning calorimetry, color-parametric characteristics, storage time


The influence of low-temperature refrigeration treatment on the structure and organoleptic parameters of milk-protein concentrates (MPC), obtained with the use of cranberry and viburnum purees, was determined and analyzed.

The study of low-temperature phase transitions and glass transition of the MPC structure was made during cooling at a rate of 200 °C/min by immersion of the samples in liquid nitrogen. It was found that the structure of concentrates is amorphous, it can be considered relatively stable in the solid state. It was determined that the leaps of heat absorption were larger for the concentrates obtained with the use of berry purees than for the control sample. This indicates a large amount of bound liquid in the products, what allows reducing crystallization and avoiding significant structural changes.

The analysis of changes in the color-parametric characteristics of MPC indicates an increase in the intensity of light reflection at 550...700 nm, that is, in the yellow-red area of the spectrum, after 30 days of low-temperature storage. There are gradual yellowing and darkening of the product.

The theoretical and experimental research allowed determining the rational periods of storage of MPC in the frozen state, which are not more than 30 days at temperatures not higher than –20 °С. The possibility of predicting changes in the quality of food products obtained with the use of MPC, if stored at low temperatures, was obtained

Author Biographies

Victoriya Gnytsevych, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Kyoto, str., 19, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02156

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Technology and the organization of restaurant business

Tatiana Yudina, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Kyoto, str., 19, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02156

Doctor of Technical Science, Associate Professor

Department of Technology and the organization of restaurant business

Liudmyla Deinychenko, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Kyoto, str., 19, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02156

Postgraduate student

Department of commodity science, management of safety and quality

Radion Nykyforov, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky Ostrovskoho str., 16, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, 50005

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of technology in a restaurant economy that hotel and restaurant business

Iryna Nazarenko, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky Ostrovskoho str., 16, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, 50005

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of technology in a restaurant economy that hotel and restaurant business


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How to Cite

Gnytsevych, V., Yudina, T., Deinychenko, L., Nykyforov, R., & Nazarenko, I. (2018). Survey of characteristics of dairy-protein concentrates in the low-temperature storage process. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(11 (91), 16–21.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production