Analysis of possibilities for improving energy indicators of induction electric motors for propulsion complexes of autonomous floating vehicles




autonomous floating vehicle, three-phase induction electric motor, frequency converter


This study proposes additional possibilities to improve, at minimal efforts, a number of technical-economic indicators of three-phase standard industrial induction motors (IM). We suggest that such engines should be used in the propulsion complexes of modern autonomous floating vehicles (AFV). Such a task is to be solved because of the need to provide the propulsion complex of AFV with energy-efficient and inexpensive electric motors. It is proposed to apply four-pole electric motors, instead of bipolar electric motors, at an elevated rated power frequency (100, 150, 200 Hz). Employing the method of analogies of geometrically similar electric machines, it is substantiated to apply the shortened three-phase four-pole IM instead of bipolar IM. We have conducted a detailed analysis of the basic structural and energy characteristics of the modernized general-purpose IM. It was established that in the modernized four-pole IM of the AFV propulsion complex the weight and size parameters are significantly reduced (by approximately 15 %). This is enabled by a simple structural modernization. Given such a modernization, it is not necessary to manufacture new bearing assemblies, lids; in this case, mass of the utilized active materials decreases (by 10...17 %). The research results make it possible to meet the needs of modern AFV production in energy-efficient (power factor of modernized engines is approximately 0.56) and inexpensive electric motors for a propulsion complex.

Author Biographies

Yana Volyanskaya, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding Heroiv Ukrainy ave., 9, Mykolayiv, Ukraine, 54025

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering of Ship and Robotic Complexes

Sergey Volyanskiy, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding Heroiv Ukrainy ave., 9, Mykolayiv, Ukraine, 54025


Department of Electrical Engineering of Ship and Robotic Complexes

Oleg Onishchenko, National University «Odessa Maritime Academy» Didrikhsona str., 8, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of technical operation of the fleet

Stanislav Nykul, Military Academy Fontanska doroha str., 10, Odessa, Ukraine, 65009

PhD, Head of Department

Department of rocket-artillery armament


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How to Cite

Volyanskaya, Y., Volyanskiy, S., Onishchenko, O., & Nykul, S. (2018). Analysis of possibilities for improving energy indicators of induction electric motors for propulsion complexes of autonomous floating vehicles. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(8 (92), 25–32.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment