Development of meat-containing minced semi-finished products based on the locally produced raw materials
combining, freshwater fish, duck meat, meat-containing semi-finished product, functional-technological indicatorsAbstract
We report results of studying the developed meat-containing semi-finished products; an analysis of the results was performed, which confirm the possibility to combine the meat of duck and freshwater fish meat in the formulation for meat-containing semi-finished products by completely replacing pork and beef in the formulations. Combining in the formulations of meat-containing semi-finished products of duck meat and freshwater fish meat made it possible to obtain model minced meat with high functional-technological properties: the value of moisture-binding capacity is up to 81.54 %, moisture-retaining capacity is up to 76.47 %, emulsifying capacity is up to 98.0 %, stability of the emulsion is up to 69.49 %, which are higher in comparison with semi-finished products based on traditional kinds of meat.
A sensory quality assessment of the developed semi-finished products has confirmed the high quality of organoleptic indicators and compliance with the requirements regulated by standards for traditional minced semi-finished products, based on the specifications for a given segment of products. The introduction to the composition of formulations of duck meat and freshwater fish meat did not impact negatively on the microbiological safety of the combined products, which is confirmed by the indicators of NMAFAM and the lack of BGEC in the finished products. Based on the set of indicators, we selected sample 2 that contained the meat of duck and the meat of silver Prussian carp for further research.
The combination of different kinds of raw materials of local origin in the formulation for meat-containing minced semi-finished products makes it possible to receive a product with a high content of essential amino acids. The minced semi-finished products that combine duck meat and silver Prussian carp demonstrate values of the amino acid score, which, by the content of threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine+tyrosine, leucine, and isoleucine, exceeds the «reference» protein and is in the range of 115.75‒156.01 %.
The lipids of meat-containing combined semi-finished products are characterized by the high biological effectiveness of fat acid composition due to the high content of PUFA and MUFA, and by the optimal ratio of ω-3 and ω-6 of PUFA (1:7).
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