Developing a technology for making goat's cottage cheese using the preparation Yodkazeine




Yodkazeine, goat's milk, amino and fatty acids, goat's cottage cheese


In recent years, there has been a deficit of several essential components, with the iodine deficiency of varying degree, from mild to severe, relating to the most common phenomena and is observed in 90 % of the Ukrainian population.

Deficiency of iodine is the cause of many illnesses: disturbance of thyroid gland function, delayed mental and physical development of children, deafness, blurred vision, neurological cretinism. Therefore, one of the most important tasks in the food industry is to provide people with foods containing iodine in the required amount, and to expanding the range of iodine-containing products.

To improve the quality of cottage cheese made from goat's milk and to enrich it with iodine, we have used the iodine-containing protein preparation Yodkazeine.

It was established that the enrichment of milk with Yodkazeine in the amount of 0.01‒0.025 % by weight in the production of cottage cheese from goat's milk improves its quality. The application of the preparation, which includes a complex of organic iodine, associated with the protein, in the amount of 0.01 to 0.025 % by weight of milk in the production of experimental batches of product (E.1, E.2) helps increase the moisture-retaining capacity of the cheese. This property predetermines an increase in the mass proportion of moisture in the product by 0.87 and 2.37 %. That affects the reduction of the mass share of fat in cheese by 0.5 and 1.74 %, compared with the similar indicator in control. However, under the influence of the above-specified dosage of the preparation, there was an increase in the mass fraction of protein by 0.19 and 0.25 % and a reduction of the total amount of low molecular fatty acids, responsible for the manifestation of the taste and smell of goat's fat and sweat, by 0.18 and 0.31 %, respectively. It attests to the improvement of organoleptic indicators in the experimental batches of cottage cheese, enriched with the experimentally determined rational dosage of Yodkazeine, as well as its saturation with organic iodine

Author Biographies

Taisia Ryzhkova, Kharkіv State Zooveterinary Academy Akademichna str., 1, Mala Danylivka, Dergachіvsky district, Kharkiv region, Ukraine, 62341

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of processing technology and standardization of livestock products


Galina Dyukareva, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade Klochkivska str., 333, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61051

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of merchandising in customs affairs

Vasily Prudnikov, Kharkіv State Zooveterinary Academy Akademichna str., 1, Mala Danylivka, Dergachіvsky district, Kharkiv region, Ukraine, 62341

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Department of Technology of Processing and Standardization of Livestock Products

Iryna Goncharova, Kharkіv State Zooveterinary Academy Akademichna str., 1, Mala Danylivka, Dergachіvsky district, Kharkiv region, Ukraine, 62341

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Animal Breeding, Genetics, Biotechnology


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How to Cite

Ryzhkova, T., Dyukareva, G., Prudnikov, V., & Goncharova, I. (2018). Developing a technology for making goat’s cottage cheese using the preparation Yodkazeine. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(11 (95), 45–54.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production