Optical properties of lithium nanoparticles


  • Володимир Никифорович Назаренко National university of Krivoy Rog XXII PartSiezd str., Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, 50023, Ukraine
  • Оксана Володимирівна Нестеренко National university of Krivoy Rog XXII PartSiezd str., Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, 50023, Ukraine
  • Іван Семенович Радченко National university of Krivoy Rog XXII PartSiezd str., Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, 50023, Ukraine
  • Ірина Борисівна Степанкіна National university of Krivoy Rog XXII PartSiezd str., Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, 50023, Ukraine




Color centers, colloidal particle, cluster, spectra of light absorption, attenuation coefficient


The modern physics of solids emphasis the physical properties of alkali-halide crystals and their practical application. For practical application of physics and chemistry of alkali-halide crystals, it is important to study the formation and properties of the point defects. The article presents the calculations of the spectra of light attenuation by spherical and ellipsoidal lithium nanoparticles in various environments. It also presents the measured spectra of light absorption and compares them with the calculated ones. This comparison allows the identification of colloidal bands of absorption of lithium in crystals. In addition, it provides an opportunity to assess the correctness of the spectral dependence and the values of the optical constants of the massive metal. The results obtained in the article, make it possible to evaluate the properties of nanoparticles of metals, which have unique properties, useful in modern technologies

Author Biographies

Володимир Никифорович Назаренко, National university of Krivoy Rog XXII PartSiezd str., Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, 50023

Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor of department

Department of resistance of materials and structural  mechanics

Оксана Володимирівна Нестеренко, National university of Krivoy Rog XXII PartSiezd str., Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, 50023

Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor of department

Department of mine aerology and occupational safety and health


Іван Семенович Радченко, National university of Krivoy Rog XXII PartSiezd str., Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, 50023

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of department

Department of theoretical and applied mechanics 

Ірина Борисівна Степанкіна, National university of Krivoy Rog XXII PartSiezd str., Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, 50023

Senior teacher of department

Department of theoretical and applied mechanics 


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How to Cite

Назаренко, В. Н., Нестеренко, О. В., Радченко, І. С., & Степанкіна, І. Б. (2013). Optical properties of lithium nanoparticles. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(5(63), 8–18. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.14468