Study into formation of nutritional value of cauliflower depending on the agribiological factors
cauliflower, dry substances, dry soluble substances, sugars, ascorbic acidAbstract
We studied the effect of the sum of active temperatures above 10 °C, the amount of precipitation, and the hydrothermal coefficient (HTC), on the formation of dry, dry soluble substances, sugars, and ascorbic acid, in cauliflower, depending on special characteristics of the hybrid. It was established that over the years of research the dry soluble substances in the heads of cauliflower hybrids accumulated in the range from 7.2 % (in the hybrid Kul F1) to 8.3 % (in the hybrid Opal F1) on average. An analysis of variance revealed that the special feature of the hybrid affected the content of dry soluble substances in the heads of cauliflower by 10 %, while conditions of the growing season ‒ by 77 %.
Over the years of research, Livingston F1 was characterized, on average, by the high total sugar content. An analysis of variance revealed that a 55 % effect on the total sugar content in the heads of cauliflower was exerted by the special feature of the hybrid. The effect of conditions of the growing season accounted for 4 %. The hybrids differed significantly by the content of reducing sugars. The dependence of influence of weather conditions on the content of the components of the chemical composition in the heads of cauliflower hybrids was established.
The content of dry substances has a strong reverse relationship with the humidity of air during formation of the head: r=–0.78...–0.93; a direct average relationship to the mean daily air temperature and the sum of active temperatures, as well as a strong direct connection to the amount of precipitation and HTC of the vegetation period.
The content of dry soluble substances in cauliflower heads has a strong inverse relationship with air humidity: r=–0.78...–0.97. The content of ascorbic acid demonstrates a strong direct dependence on air humidity during formation of the head (r=0.67–0.75). As regards other weather conditions, the connection was weak. An analysis of variance revealed that the content of ascorbic acid in the heads of cauliflower depended by 56 % on the special features of the hybrid; 15 % accounted for conditions of the vegetation periodReferences
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Copyright (c) 2018 Ludmila Pusik, Vlаdimir Pusik, Nina Lyubymova, Veronika Bondarenko, Ludmila Gaevaya, Oksana Sergienko, Olekcii Romanov, Leonid Gryn, Lidiya Kononenko

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