Mathematical justification of blending of vegetable oils


  • Тетяна Вікторівна Матвєєва Ukrainian Research Institute of Oils and Fats National Academy Agricultural Sciences pr. Dziubi, 2a, Kharkov, 61019, Ukraine
  • Павло Федорович Петік Ukrainian Research Institute of Oils and Fats National Academy Agricultural Sciences pr. Dziubi, 2a, Kharkov, 61019, Ukraine
  • Зоя Павлівна Федякіна Ukrainian Research Institute of Oils and Fats National Academy Agricultural Sciences pr. Dziubi, 2a, Kharkov, 61019, Ukraine



vegetable oils, blendings, polyunsaturated fatty acids ω-6 and ω-3, essential fatty acids


Vegetable oils by 95 - 99% consist of triglycerides - esters of fatty acids and glycerine, and after refining their content increases to 98.5 - 99.5%. Human health is positively influenced by triglycerides, which contain the essential fatty acids ω-6 i ω-3 (linoleic and α - linolenic). It was found that there are no vegetable oils with balanced fatty acid structure in nature. Such oils can be produced artificially, for example by selection or genetic modification of oilseeds. The most technologically and therefore cost-effective is the method of mixing (blending) of oils. The article explains the choice of vegetable oils and offers a simple mathematical calculation of formulations of their mixtures, balanced according to fatty acid structure. The blendings calculated according to the equations can be used as food and for production of emulsion goods. Because of the nature of the Ukrainian market, we can assume that the product will be successful, because it will be affordable and good for health.

Author Biographies

Тетяна Вікторівна Матвєєва, Ukrainian Research Institute of Oils and Fats National Academy Agricultural Sciences pr. Dziubi, 2a, Kharkov, 61019

Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent

Senior Researcher

Research department of technology of processing of oils and fats

Павло Федорович Петік, Ukrainian Research Institute of Oils and Fats National Academy Agricultural Sciences pr. Dziubi, 2a, Kharkov, 61019

Candidate of Technical Sciences


Зоя Павлівна Федякіна, Ukrainian Research Institute of Oils and Fats National Academy Agricultural Sciences pr. Dziubi, 2a, Kharkov, 61019

Department Head

Research department of technology of processing of oils and fats


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How to Cite

Матвєєва, Т. В., Петік, П. Ф., & Федякіна, З. П. (2013). Mathematical justification of blending of vegetable oils. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(6(63), 26–28.



Technology organic and inorganic substances