Studying the influence of hydrothermal treatment parameters on the properties of wheat flour in the technology of a croquette mass
sautéed wheat flour, sautéing parameters, hydrothermal treatment, properties of flour, waterabsorbing capacity, croquette massAbstract
The paper reports a study into the influence of parameters (temperature and duration) of sautéing wheat flour on its waterabsorbing capacity at hydrothermal treatment. It was established that heating the samples of flour slurry in the temperature range of 80...90 °C accelerates the waterabsorbing capacity. The samples of wheat flour sautéed at a temperature of 110...120 °C reached the maximal indicators of waterabsorbing capacity over 10...20 minutes. Results of this research are important in order to control the degree of swelling of the sautéed flour in the technology of a croquette mass.
We have investigated the viscosity of samples from model systems of wheat flour depending on the temperature and duration of sautéing. It was established that the viscosity of model systems decreases with an increase in the temperature and duration of wheat flour sautéing compared to the native. However, the indicator of a relative coefficient of stability for model systems increases within 0.91...0.98. We have determined the rational zone of viscosity in the samples of model systems of sautéed wheat flour. We have proven the expedience of using in the technology of a croquette mass for culinary products the capability of components of the sautéed wheat flour to form a bound plastic mass at hydrothermal treatment.
The effect has been established of technological parameters on the saturation of color in the samples of model systems of sautéed wheat flour. It was found that sautéing wheat flour with a fat component does not significantly affect the color, though it changes its saturation. It is important that when exposed to specific technological factors, the color of samples of model systems is characterized by sufficient stability and acts as a technological indicator for the croquette mass system.
The results of research provided an opportunity to control and adjust the structuralmechanical characteristics of the croquette mass based on wheat flourReferences
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