Justification of the selection and organization of the trains formation system. The practical aspect


  • Денис Вікторович Ломотько Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Feuerbacha 7, Kharkov, 61050, Ukraine
  • Антон Олександрович Ковальов Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Feuerbacha 7, Kharkov, 61050, Ukraine
  • Оксана Володимирівна Ковальова Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Feuerbacha 7, Kharkov, 61050, Ukraine




availability of empty wagons, storage point, formation point, matrix of demands


One of the primary goals of railway transport is to meet the needs of cargo owners concerning their products on time transportation with minimum costs. The availability of empty transports in proper condition for the planned freight has a significant impact on the quality of transportation process within the railway network. This article considers the problems of providing freight stations with empty rolling stock. It proposes to improve the freight transportation system by transporting as much goods as possible at the cargo owners demands at basic resources minimal costs, thus getting maximum income by means of creation and implementation of the system of inequalities and equations that guarantee quality. The costs function is made for different types of demands to get the most efficient demand implementation. The analysis result of the optimal variant showed that the minimization of the cost function to some extent depends on the level of rolling stock wear extent which is used in the solution process.

Author Biographies

Денис Вікторович Ломотько, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Feuerbacha 7, Kharkov, 61050


Department of Management of cargo and commercial work

Антон Олександрович Ковальов, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Feuerbacha 7, Kharkov, 61050


Department of Management of cargo and commercial work

Оксана Володимирівна Ковальова, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Feuerbacha 7, Kharkov, 61050


Department of Management of cargo and commercial work


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How to Cite

Ломотько, Д. В., Ковальов, А. О., & Ковальова, О. В. (2013). Justification of the selection and organization of the trains formation system. The practical aspect. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(3(64), 18–20. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.16273



Control systems