Physical and technological features of formation of metallization of submicron arsenide-gallium structures in large-scale integrated circuits by ion milling


  • Степан Петрович Новосядлий Precarpathian National University.V. Stefanyk, Shevchenko 57, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76000, Ukraine
  • Тарас Петрович Кіндрат Precarpathian National University.V. Stefanyk, Shevchenko 57, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76000, Ukraine
  • Любомир Володимирович Мельник Precarpathian National University.V. Stefanyk, Shevchenko 57, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76000, Ukraine
  • Василь Миколайович Варварук Precarpathian National University.V. Stefanyk, Shevchenko 57, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76000, Ukraine



Gallium Arsenide, ohmic contact, ion implantation, ion milling, ion-beam etching, multiple-charged implantation


In large-scale integrated circuits the size of chip is limited by the lithographic process capabilities and specified output of supplementaries, therefore the large scale integration level (105-107) implies high density of components with minimal topological elements decreasing. Since wiring in LSIC structures covers 50-75% of the chip surface, the primary task of structures minimizing is reducing the pitch of multilayer wiring.

A switch to production of LSIC submicron structures focuses the developers` attention on technological methods, ensuring maximum resolving power and formation of small elements (<0.5 mm) with high output of supplementaries.

The paper describes the principles of ion milling, methods of ion-beam processing in lithography, advantages and disadvantages as compared to other methods. It was shown that ion-beam milling is particularly efficient for profiling contact windows of multilayer wiring in LSIC structures. The LSIC structures based on GaAs (Gallium Arsenide) have been obtained with the second level of metallization performed by ion-beam etching using a photoresist mask. The efficiency of post-implantation annealing by ion-beam as compared to thermal annealing has been analyzed. Ohmic contacts with contact windows low resistance have been formed.

Author Biographies

Степан Петрович Новосядлий, Precarpathian National University.V. Stefanyk, Shevchenko 57, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76000

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics

Тарас Петрович Кіндрат, Precarpathian National University.V. Stefanyk, Shevchenko 57, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76000

Postgraduate student

Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics

Любомир Володимирович Мельник, Precarpathian National University.V. Stefanyk, Shevchenko 57, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76000

Postgraduate student

Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics

Василь Миколайович Варварук, Precarpathian National University.V. Stefanyk, Shevchenko 57, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76000

Postgraduate student

Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics


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How to Cite

Новосядлий, С. П., Кіндрат, Т. П., Мельник, Л. В., & Варварук, В. М. (2013). Physical and technological features of formation of metallization of submicron arsenide-gallium structures in large-scale integrated circuits by ion milling. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(5(64), 3–6.



Applied physics