Determining the efficiency of spontaneous sourdough for stabilizing the quality of bread products in bakeries and catering enterprises
spontaneous sourdough, hop sourdough, pea-anise sourdough, wine yeast, national breadAbstract
Old baking traditions have been analyzed from the point of view of improving the technologies, assortment, and quality of bread products in modern enterprises of bread and restaurant business. Considerable attention has been paid to the problems that impede the introduction of spontaneous sourdough technology. The expediency of forming the theoretical basis of such technologies, specifying the requirements for raw materials, semi-finished, and finished products, and harmonizing the terminology, technologies, and regulatory documents accepted throughout the world has been emphasized.
The expediency of studying the authentic Ukrainian spontaneous wheat sourdough (hop and wine yeast), as well as traditional Caucasian pea-anise sourdough, has been substantiated.
The significant effect of formulation and properties of raw materials on the quality of sourdough has been established. It has been proven that sourdough acquires the required quality within 1–3 days when using wine yeast in the dilution cycle. Hop sourdough requires 7–8 days for fermentation, and pea-anise sourdough requires 15 days. Sourdough has general and specific properties: fermentation ability and acidity, special sensory and biotechnological properties, and microbiological composition. This affects the course of the technological process and requires adjusting the parameters of fermentation and sourdough bread preparation. Good sensory characteristics are typical for bread made with spontaneous sourdough. The ability of sourdough to inhibit the staling of products and prevent microbiological damage has been shown. It has been established that hop and pea-anise sourdoughs are stable for 90 days and wine yeast sourdough for 30 days of propagation.
The obtained results give grounds for asserting the prospects of using spontaneous sourdough in bakeries and catering enterprises. This could be the basis for developing recommendations for problem solving and forming high-quality products and expanding the range of modern industrial and craft enterprises.
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