Effect of prior technological treatment on the process of vegetable semi-finished product freezing
red beet, stewing, slight drying, freezing rate, frozen waterAbstract
As a result of poor preservation of fresh fruits and vegetables caused by changes in growing conditions, mechanization of collection processes and product policy, one of the ways of reducing crop losses is its freezing. Hence, the effect of low temperature and technological treatment before freezing on the quality of vegetable semi-finished products for first and second courses based on red beet was studied. Stewing and partial dehydration (slight drying) in different modes were used as technological processing methods.
The cooling rate at low temperatures can be controlled by changing the thermophysical properties of investigated sample during its technological processing before freezing.
It was experimentally established that the temperature of frozen water crystallization in the investigated samples of red beet is in direct dependence on the freezing temperature and prior technological processing of the product.
The starting and final points of frozen water crystallization and melting processes in the samples of red beet were experimentally defined and graphically confirmed. Also, its actual quantity was calculated.References
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