Balance dynamic model of the cell cycle


  • Анатолий Иванович Божков Researcher Institute to Biologies V.N. Karazin Kharkov national university sq. Svoboda, 4, Kharkov, 61022, Ukraine
  • Надежда Дмитриевна Гернет Researcher Institute of Biologies V.N.Karazin Kharkov national university sq. Svoboda, 4, Harkov, 61022, Ukraine



living cell, mathematical modeling, balance model, cell cycle, the dynamics of the cell development


The development of new mathematical and computer approaches and the needs of fundamental medicine and biology have raised a complicated issue of modelling a living cell. This may be solved today with achievements of theoretical and experimental methods. It is especially interesting to model a cell at different stages of its life cycle, including its division, differentiation and death. The paper considers mathematical modeling of cell cycle, being a dynamic sequence of events from one cell division to another.

Based on the system analysis of the available data on the living cell development and functioning, it is suggested to consider the cell cycle as an integrated dynamic process of the interaction of intracellular matter flow, energy, and information directed on the reproduction of the new live cell.

The work analyses the specifics and essential preconditions of the cell cycle description using the balance dynamic model, which sets the balance of reproduction, distribution and consumption of matter, energy, and information inside the cell for each temporary subinterval of the cell cycle.

The regularities and peculiarities of the cell development dynamics and their influence on the processes of organism aging are considered on the basis of formal mathematical properties for built dynamic model and its simplified modifications. The questions of practical using the offered model are discussed.

Author Biographies

Анатолий Иванович Божков, Researcher Institute to Biologies V.N. Karazin Kharkov national university sq. Svoboda, 4, Kharkov, 61022

Doctor of the Biological sciences, professor

Director of Researcher Institute to Biologies

Надежда Дмитриевна Гернет, Researcher Institute of Biologies V.N.Karazin Kharkov national university sq. Svoboda, 4, Harkov, 61022

Senior scientific employee



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How to Cite

Божков, А. И., & Гернет, Н. Д. (2013). Balance dynamic model of the cell cycle. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(4(66), 42–47.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects