Substantiating the use of germinated legume flour enriched with iodine and selenium in the production of cooked-smoked sausages
legume flour, cooked-smoked sausages, iodine deficiency, selenium deficiency, soybeans, chickpeas, amino acids.Abstract
The possibility of using flour from soybean and chickpea grains, which are germinated in solutions of mineral salts, has been considered. The feasibility of its use in the production of cooked-smoked sausages by reducing meat raw materials has been investigated. The obtained patterns will be used in the development of the technology of cooked-smoked sausage enriched with iodine and selenium, the deficit of which is observed in 17 % of the world's population.
The reported study has established that all experimental samples demonstrated an improvement in the structural and rheological characteristics compared with the control. It has been found that the use of legume flour, germinated in solutions of mineral salts, affects a change in the pH of minced meat. The samples containing them have a less pH, by 0.2; 0.4; 0.7 °T. The samples change color from dark red (control) to yellow-pink and yellow-gray. The content of the mass fraction of iodine and selenium in the samples containing the flour of legumes sprouted in the solutions of mineral salts of 5, 10, 15 %, was 13; 26; 39 μg by iodine, and 12.5; 25; 37.5 μg by selenium content. The content of essential amino acids increases by 1.609; 2.756; 4.012 mg/100 g compared with the samples where legume flour was used, sprouted in water; by 2.134; 5.594; 8.468 mg/100 g compared with the control sample. The total content of essential amino acids increases by 3.128; 6.254; 9.380 mg/100 g compared with the control sample, and by 1.054; 2.100; 3.150 mg/100 g in comparison with samples in which the legume flour sprouted in water was used.
The established patterns are the scientific basis for the development of the production technology of cooked smoked sausages enriched with iodine, selenium, and amino acids. The developed product could adjust the structure of people's nutrition, thereby eliminating significant deviations in the consumption of microelements.
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