Influence of incorporating honey, royal jelly and pollen on biotechnological processes of dairy drink


  • Неонила Николаевна Ломова National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev Heroev Sevastopolya 26, 56 Kiev 03065, Ukraine
  • Ольга Олеговна Снежко National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev Krasylovskaya 4A, m. 30, Kiev, Ukraine, 03040, Ukraine



yogurt, honey, royal jelly, pollen, biotechnology, starter preparation, organoleptic characteristics


The influence of adding bee honey, royal jelly and pollen on the incubation time, smell, taste and texture of dairy drink, obtained by the fermentation of starter cultures such as Lac. Lactis, Str. Thermophilus, Lbm. Acidophilum, Lbm. Bulgaricum, kefir, combined (⅓ Str. Thermophilus, ⅓ Lbm. Acidophilum, ⅓ Lbm. Bulgaricum) was studied. The nature of influence of bee products on the yogurt microflora, including the third and sixth day of storage was studied.

Increasing the viability of yogurt microorganisms was proportionalto the concentration of honey, pollen and royal jelly to a certain level. Further, the reverse process was observed.

Based on the preliminary results, a starter culture with which bee products are combined in the best way was defined. A possible dose of honey, royal jelly and bee pollen for the production of yoghurt with bee products was selected.

Author Biographies

Неонила Николаевна Ломова, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev Heroev Sevastopolya 26, 56 Kiev 03065

Candidate of Science, Associate Professor

Ольга Олеговна Снежко, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev Krasylovskaya 4A, m. 30, Kiev, Ukraine, 03040

Graduate student

Department of Technology of meat, fish and seafood


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How to Cite

Ломова, Н. Н., & Снежко, О. О. (2014). Influence of incorporating honey, royal jelly and pollen on biotechnological processes of dairy drink. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(12(68), 62–65.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production