Studying the influence of mungbean use on the structure-forming indicators of meat-plant systems based on veal, pork, chicken meat
germinated mungbean, meat-vegetable minced meat, moisture-binding capacity, moisture-retaining capacity, fat-retaining capacity, phytic acidAbstract
This paper reports a study into the use of germinated mungbean as a promising raw material influencing the structure-forming indicators of meat systems during the production of meat-vegetable sausages. The content of iodine in the germinated mungbean and its anatomical parts has been examined using solutions of potassium iodide. A change in the phytic acid content and size of phytin globoloids has been established in mungbean malt depending on germination conditions. The influence of flour from germinated mungbean on the moisture-binding, moisture-retaining, fat-retaining abilities, as well as on the pH of meat systems based on veal meat, pork, chicken has been investigated.
The reported set of studies is important as the defined patterns could make it possible to devise technologies for meat-vegetable sausages, to expand the range of enriched meat products.
The result of this study has established that the degree of biotransformation of iodine into beans is influenced by the protein content in the native beans. Almost 90...95 % of iodine is accumulated in the cotyledons of beans in the protein fraction, 5...10 % ‒ in sprouts and roots. The rational range of potassium iodide concentrations in the germination solution is 76.5 g per 1,000 cm3, over 48 hours. Prolonging the germination time leads to microbiological damage to the bean mass.
The germination process affects the reduction of phytic acid content, which is confirmed by a decrease in the diameter of phytin globoloids.
It is rational to use in meat systems based on pork meat and veal meat 10 % of the developed flour by reducing meat raw materials. With this ratio of formulation ingredients, the maximum increase in the moisture-binding, moisture-retaining, and fat-retaining capacities of these meat systems is achieved. In the meat systems based on chicken meat, it is possible to increase a replacement part of up to 15 %.
The reported set of studies is useful and important because it could form the basis for devising the technologies of meat-vegetable sausages to meet the needs of different segments of consumers
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