Substantiating the removal of fat in the technology of obtaining wheat germ and devising technology for making cookies containing it




wheat germ, fat-free wheat germ, functional-technological properties, butter biscuits


This paper reports the results of studying the effect of fat removal from wheat germ on its functional-technological properties, as well as its commercial potential, using the technology of butter biscuits as an example. The expediency of large-scale application of fat-free germ has been established for resolving two tasks at the same time: the introduction of the concept of lean manufacturing provided the germ utilization is scientifically justified, that is, creating value without losses. It has been noted that flour confectionery technology has prospects for the introduction of fat-free wheat germ.

It has been shown that although wheat germ has a unique chemical composition, it contains much fat, which contributes to the processes of oxidation and rancidity. It is the lack of a scientific base on the influence of the fat removal process on the functional-technological properties of fat-free wheat germ that is a deterrent for its application in the food industry.

The paper gives the results from studying the functional-technological properties of wheat germ from which fat was removed with freon-12.

The solubility of proteins of fat-free wheat germ depending on the pH has been investigated; it was determined that the conditions for pronounced solubility were created at pH 9.

It has been determined that NaCl at a concentration of 1...5 % does not affect the amount of dissolved protein.

The results from investigating the surface tension of wheat germ protein solutions and fat-free wheat germ depending on the medium pH are presented. The dependence of values of the surface activity of wheat germ protein solutions on pH has been established.

The dependence of the phase inversion point on the concentration of wheat germ and fat-free wheat germ has been investigated. It was determined that the emulsifying ability increases with an increase in the concentration of the suspension to 10 %.

A technological scheme for making butter biscuits with the use of fat-free wheat germ has been devised.

Author Biographies

Pavlo Pyvovarov, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Food Technology in the Restaurant Industry

Tetiana Cheremska, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Food Technology in the Restaurant Industry

Maryna Kolesnikova, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Food Technology in the restaurant industry

Svitlana Iurchenko, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Food Technology in the Restaurant Industry

Svitlana Andrieieva, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Food Technology in the Restaurant Industry


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How to Cite

Pyvovarov, P., Cheremska, T., Kolesnikova, M., Iurchenko, S., & Andrieieva, S. (2021). Substantiating the removal of fat in the technology of obtaining wheat germ and devising technology for making cookies containing it. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(11(112), 33–41.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production