Development of an algorithm for calculating stable solutions of the Saint-Venant equation using an upwind implicit difference scheme




Saint-Venant equations, hyperbolic system, implicit scheme, upwind difference scheme, stability


The problem of numerical determination of Lyapunov-stable (exponential stability) solutions of the Saint-Venant equations system has remained open until now. The authors of this paper previously proposed an implicit upwind difference splitting scheme, but its practical applicability was not indicated there. In this paper, the problem is solved successfully, namely, an algorithm for calculating Lyapunov-stable solutions of the Saint-Venant equations system is developed and implemented using an upwind implicit difference splitting scheme on the example of the Big Almaty Canal (hereinafter BAC). As a result of the proposed algorithm application, it was established that:

1) we were able to perform a computational calculation of the numerical determination problem of the water level and velocity on a part of the BAC (10,000 meters) located in the Almaty region;

2) the numerical values of the water level height and horizontal velocity are consistent with the actual measurements of the parameters of the water flow in the BAC;

3) the proposed computational algorithm is stable;

4) the numerical stationary solution of the system of Saint-Venant equations on the example of the BAC is Lyapunov-stable (exponentially stable);

5) the obtained results (according to the BAC) show the efficiency of the developed algorithm based on an implicit upwind difference scheme according to the calculated time.

Since we managed to increase the values of the difference grid time step up to 0.8 for calculating the numerical solution according to the proposed implicit scheme.

Author Biographies

Rakhmatillo Aloev, National University of Uzbekistan

Doctor of Math-Physics Sciences, Professor

Department Computational Mathematics and Information Systems

Abdumauvlen Berdyshev, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University; Institute of Information and Computational Technologies

Doctor of Math-Physics Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling

Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics

Сhief Researcher

Aziza Akbarova, National University of Uzbekistan

Postgraduate Student

Department Computational Mathematics and Information Systems

Zharasbek Baishemirov, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University; Institute of Information and Computational Technologies

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling

Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics

Сhief Researcher



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How to Cite

Aloev, R., Berdyshev, A., Akbarova, A., & Baishemirov, Z. (2021). Development of an algorithm for calculating stable solutions of the Saint-Venant equation using an upwind implicit difference scheme . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(4(112), 47–56.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects