Analysis of one class of optimal control problems for distributed-parameter systems




nonlinear boundary value problems, functional convergence, Pontryagin’s maximum principle, minimizing sequence


In the paper, the method of straight lines approximately solves one class of optimal control problems for systems, the behavior of which is described by a nonlinear equation of parabolic type and a set of ordinary differential equations. Control is carried out using distributed and lumped parameters. Distributed control is included in the partial differential equation, and lumped controls are contained both in the boundary conditions and in the right-hand side of the ordinary differential equation. The convergence of the solutions of the approximating boundary value problem to the solution of the original one is proved when the step of the grid of straight lines tends to zero, and on the basis of this fact, the convergence of the approximate solution of the approximating optimal problem with respect to the functional is established.

A constructive scheme for constructing an optimal control by a minimizing sequence of controls is proposed. The control of the process in the approximate solution of a class of optimization problems is carried out on the basis of the Pontryagin maximum principle using the method of straight lines. For the numerical solution of the problem, a gradient projection scheme with a special choice of step is used, this gives a converging sequence in the control space. The numerical solution of one variational problem of the mentioned type related to a one-dimensional heat conduction equation with boundary conditions of the second kind is presented. An inequality-type constraint is imposed on the control function entering the right-hand side of the ordinary differential equation. The numerical results obtained on the basis of the compiled computer program are presented in the form of tables and figures.

The described numerical method gives a sufficiently accurate solution in a short time and does not show a tendency to «dispersion». With an increase in the number of iterations, the value of the functional monotonically tends to zero

Author Biographies

Kamil Mamtiyev, Azerbaijan State University of Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Digital Technologies and Applied Informatics

Tarana Aliyeva, Azerbaijan State University of Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Digital Technologies and Applied Informatics

Ulviyya Rzayeva, Azerbaijan State University of Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Digital Technologies and Applied Informatics


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How to Cite

Mamtiyev, K., Aliyeva, T., & Rzayeva, U. (2021). Analysis of one class of optimal control problems for distributed-parameter systems. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(4 (113), 26–33.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects