Increasıng the bıologıcal value of bread through the applıcatıon of pumpkın puree




wheat flour, gluten, pumpkin, pumpkin puree, vitamins, minerals, dough, bread


Some vegetables are indispensable for the production of a wide range of bread products, because of their chemical composition. One of the factors hindering their widespread use in the bakery is the insufficient study of their functional properties in the mentioned technological areas. The main goal of the study was a complex analysis of the food value, mineral and vitamin compositions of raw materials and bread with additives, on the example of pumpkin variety «Perekhvatka 69». This is necessary to further substantiate the development of technology for the production of new types of bakery products, expanding the range of products and satisfying various consumer preferences. The nature of changes in nutrients, mineral and vitamin compositions in the technological process has been studied, which makes it possible to determine the proportion of reduction in their content. Based on this, it is possible to adjust the content of nutrients, mineral and vitamin compositions before and after the technological process of processing raw materials and making bread with additives. It has been found that the introduction of pumpkin puree has practically no effect on the amount of washed gluten. However, at a dosage of pumpkin puree from 5 to 25 %, the compression strain of raw gluten increases from 68.5 to 94.7 units instrument. This makes it possible to regulate the desired final properties of bread and the deformation of gluten in the dough

Author Biographies

Eldaniz Bayramov, University of Technology of Azerbaijan

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, Associate Professor

Department of Food Engineering and Expertise

Shakir Aliyev, University of Technology of Azerbaijan

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, Associate Professor

Department of Machine Engineering and Logistics

Afat Gasimova, University of Technology of Azerbaijan

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, Acting Assistant Professor

Department of Food Engineering and Expertise

Sevda Gurbanova, University of Technology of Azerbaijan

Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, Senior Lecturer

Department of Food Engineering and Expertise

Ilhama Kazimova, Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, Senior Lecturer

Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences


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How to Cite

Bayramov, E., Aliyev, S., Gasimova, A., Gurbanova, S., & Kazimova, I. . (2022). Increasıng the bıologıcal value of bread through the applıcatıon of pumpkın puree . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(11 (116), 58–68.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production