Analysis of the transport and logistics complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan




transport infrastructure, pipeline, automobile transport, railway, air transport, cargo turnover


The article contains an analysis of kazakhstan's path of development of the transport and logistics industry. The analysis of statistical indicators of the development of transport and logistics complex of Republic of Kazakhstan is presented, as well as the main directions of development of the industry.

This article considers aspects of the development of transport and logistics complex in the country, which depend on many factors, including different government support tools. As a result, in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2021 the cargo turnover by modes of transport increased by 2.26 %, with stable indicators of cargo transportation by rail (accounting for more than half of the total cargo transportation), there is a significant increase in cargo transportation by pipeline transport − by 11.9 % and a slight decline in road transport − 1.06 %. In 2021, positive dynamics of cargo turnover by modes of transport has observed in Kazakhstan, which has increased by 4.96 %, it is caused by the increase of cargo turnover in three main directions: air transport − by 116.2 %, pipeline transport − by 21.4 % and road transport − by 11.93 %. It is proved, that low level of information and digital technologies and high physical and moral wear and tear of major part of infrastructure are key factors limiting development of transport and logistic complex.

These findings illustrate how the existence of laws and regulations governing the transport industry, as well as the favorable geographical location of Kazakhstan for the transit of goods along international transport corridors are important for the development of the transport and logistics complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The practical application of the results of the study is the possibility of forecasting further directions of development of transport infrastructure

Author Biographies

Elena Polukhina, Turan University

PhD Student

Department of Marketing and Logistics

Salima Mizanbekova, Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Management and Organization of Agribusiness


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Analysis of the transport and logistics complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan




How to Cite

Polukhina, E., & Mizanbekova, S. (2022). Analysis of the transport and logistics complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(13 (119), 21–31.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology