Implementing the "government as a platform" concept: the assessment method and an optimal human-centered structure to address technological challenges
government as a platform, technological infrastructure, social value, model of technology perceptionAbstract
The object of this study is the factors of implementation of the concept of government as a platform. The study solved the problem of identifying factors and choosing a model for analyzing the conditions for building a socio-technological model of interaction between society and the state. The concept of government as a platform is presented in the form of interrelated entities, components of technological infrastructure and digital assets. A feature of the described structure is the consideration of social value, which is explained by the principles of the concept under study. The factors of implementation of the concept include professional and personal characteristics of civil servants; organizational structure of the government; legal regulation; financial mechanisms; use of digital technologies of Industry 4.0; digital opportunities of the population and businesses; digital engagement. The identified factors take into account the need to take into account the needs and requirements of citizens, technological readiness, and competence of the government. It has been established that during 2022 there was a global trend towards an increase in the level of development of e-government. The results of the analysis of user experience on interaction with electronic public services confirm the need to focus on consumers. A theoretical model for adopting the state digital platform has been developed. The model consists of six independent variables, three intermediate variables, and one dependent variable. In the model, independent variables include tangible ease of use, uncertainty in technology, social pressure, efficiency of work with computer equipment, technical capabilities. Intermediate variables include attitude to use, tangible utility, user satisfaction, and intent to use. The dependent variable is the actual use of technology.
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