The results of performance tests of duplex cassette cylindric bearings in axleboxes of freight cars


  • Ігор Ернестович Мартинов Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Sq. Feuerbach 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050, Ukraine
  • Альона Володимирівна Труфанова Ukrainian State Academy оf Railway Transport Feuerbach Square 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050, Ukraine
  • Василь Михайлович Ільчишин Ukrainian State Academy оf Railway Transport Feuerbach Square 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050, Ukraine
  • Євген Рудольфович Можейко Ukrainian State Academy оf Railway Transport Feuerbach Square 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050, Ukraine
  • Вадим Олександрович Шовкун Ukrainian State Academy оf Railway Transport Feuerbach Square 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050, Ukraine



axlebox unit, duplex cylindrical bearing, failure, reliability, accelerated test, service life


One of the important stages of creating a new design of the axlebox unit is performance tests to confirm the reliability indexes of the object.

The paper presents the results of performance tests of CBU duplex cassette-type bearings in the axleboxes of freight cars. Using such bearings will allow to increase the reliability of axlebox units, turn to another maintenance system, which allows to reduce maintenance and repair costs, save considerable material and human resources, improve traffic safety. Reliability indexes of cylindrical axlebox bearings (duplex) were determined. The lower limit of the probability of survival will be 0.889 and the upper – 1. Such a high divergence of indexes is caused by lack of test objects (only 2 cars and 16 duplex bearings).

As a result of the tests, it was revealed that cylindrical duplex cassette-type bearings have higher efficiency compared to typical cylindrical bearings. At the same time, the amount of test objects is insufficient to make reasoned conclusions about the benefits of the given design. Based on these data, it is recommended to conduct a trial operation of the pilot batch of cars in an amount not less than 100 units. 

Author Biographies

Ігор Ернестович Мартинов, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Sq. Feuerbach 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050


Department of "Wagons"

Альона Володимирівна Труфанова, Ukrainian State Academy оf Railway Transport Feuerbach Square 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050


Department of Wagons

Василь Михайлович Ільчишин, Ukrainian State Academy оf Railway Transport Feuerbach Square 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050


Department of Wagons

Євген Рудольфович Можейко, Ukrainian State Academy оf Railway Transport Feuerbach Square 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050


Department of Wagons

Вадим Олександрович Шовкун, Ukrainian State Academy оf Railway Transport Feuerbach Square 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050

Рostgraduate student

Department of Wagons


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How to Cite

Мартинов, І. Е., Труфанова, А. В., Ільчишин, В. М., Можейко, Є. Р., & Шовкун, В. О. (2015). The results of performance tests of duplex cassette cylindric bearings in axleboxes of freight cars. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(7(73), 8–13.



Applied mechanics