Hybrid mathematical models and methods for forecasting related nonstationary time series
forecasting, structural identification, decomposition model, Box-Jenkins method, "Caterpillar"-SSA methodAbstract
The paper presents mathematical models for forecasting related nonstationary time series and methods for their structural identification based on the joint use of a multidimensional variant of the "Caterpillar"-SSA method and VARMAX and SARIMAX models.
In the proposed hybrid mathematical models, using formulas for L- or K-continuation of multi-dimensional variant of the "Caterpillar"-SSA method, structural and parametric identification of the transfer function, connecting the endogenous and exogenous time series is carried out. Decomposition approach to time series forecasting based on multi-dimensional variant of the "Caterpillar"-SSA method and SARIMAX models lies in decomposition of source endogenous and exogenous time series into multiple time series with a simpler structure using the multidimensional "Caterpillar"-SSA method; forecasting data of decomposition components by SARIMAX models and calculating the total forecast for each endogenous time series, combining forecasts, constructed for simplified models.
The proposed models were tested on the example of forecasting physical parameters of the natural gas consumption processes of the linear parts of the gas transportation system, and the forecasting results were compared with the results, obtained by the VARMAX models. Experimental results show the high efficiency of the proposed forecasting models for selecting suitable structural parameters in comparison with the VARMAX models.
The results lead to the conclusion that for effective forecasts, it is necessary to perform the decomposition of the studied time series and combine different models, describing both statistical and deterministic time series components, which provides better forecasting.
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