Refining the models of performing service tests of upgraded locomotives
locomotive fleet renewal, modernization of locomotives, operational testing, classification of testsAbstract
The paper analyzes the situation on updating the existing fleet of locomotives and start-traction rolling stock on the railways of Ukraine being modernized after the extension of its life in terms of reduction in finance industry. Solving the problem of operational tests of the modernized traction rolling stock makes it possible to reduce the cost of their implementation by reducing the range of control parameters and test personnel involved. The survey found that to identify a particular range of operating parameters modernized traction rolling stock which defines the purpose of testing it is necessary to check this list of operating parameters that will meet its objective. To be able to change the accuracy of test results and the value of them it is possible to change the number of control parameters. An improved method of operating tests makes it possible to more quickly perform testing with limited funding opportunities to accumulate funds for the purchase of modern rolling stock.
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