Circadian light: definition, measurement, regulation


  • Кристина Ігорівна Іоффе PAO"Tyazhpromelektroproekt" Lenina 56, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61072, Ukraine



biological clock, circadian light, nonvisual impact, quality, synchronization, measurement, standard


The article justifies the need of an integrated approach to the problem of biological effect of visible light. There are the results of development of methods for assessment and measurement of nonvisual impact of visible light. It was suggested to create the bases of circadian photometry by determining a new effective value ​​and standard, which includes the basic values, symbols, and the spectrum of the circadian effect. The general methodology of development of measuring means of circadian characteristics and metrological support of meters was shown. The results of the calibration of control meter of circadian characteristics were given. On the basis of the detailed study of the human circadian system and summary of the results of experimental and theoretical studies, the concept of the formation of quality light medium was created. The possibility to create new quality lighting systems was proven. It possesses a great practical interest with the suggested concept of normalization of lighting systems according to circadian performance criteria

Author Biography

Кристина Ігорівна Іоффе, PAO"Tyazhpromelektroproekt" Lenina 56, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61072

Head of lighting installations and estimates


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How to Cite

Іоффе, К. І. (2012). Circadian light: definition, measurement, regulation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(8(60), 59–62.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment