Determination of the degree of influence of repair processes on serviceability of units of the traction rolling stock




process, repair, unit, traction rolling stock, influence, component, failure, system, serviceability, evaluation


The sequence and interaction of individual processes in the repair of units of the traction rolling stock are analyzed. It allowed presenting the breakdown in the repair process of units as basic events in the "fault tree" model. The resulting event of the tree is represented as the failure of the unit in operation after repair. In the absence of statistical data on the probabilities of basic events, the influence of the component on the resulting event is determined by its weight based on the logical model, which corresponds to the indicator of the structural importance of the component. Formalization of the developed "fault tree" allowed obtaining the function of the system health, which was reduced initially to the disjunctive-normal form, then to its perfect form. Therefore, it was determined that repair processes have different weights, and thus vary in degree of influence on the serviceability of the unit after repair. The processes that run in the final stages of repair have the greatest influence (weight): "Running and testing" - 0.68; "Completing and assembly " - 0.32; "Quality control of the repair (restoration) of the unit" - 0.18. The processes, implementation of which is checked in the final stages are of less weight: "Repair (restoration)" - 0.07; "Fault detection" - 0,055. Preparatory processes that are performed in the initial stages of repair (disassembly, pre-repair evaluation and cleaning of the unit) have minimum weight - 0,008.

Author Biography

Юрій Миколайович Дацун, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport 7 Feerbaha sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61000

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of maintenance and repair of rolling stock 


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How to Cite

Дацун, Ю. М. (2016). Determination of the degree of influence of repair processes on serviceability of units of the traction rolling stock. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(7(79), 56–61.



Applied mechanics