Synthesis of integral quality index of parametric system state in conditions of situational uncertainty




information and entropy approach, integral factor, external and interconnect disturbances, uncertainty, information loss


The study considers the problem of synthesizing the integral index when the status quality of a parametric system is described under situational uncertainty. For this approach, it is natural to use an information and entropy criterion of evaluation. Unlike in the classic representation of a system, the situational uncertainty range is supplemented with interconnect uncertainty, which is inherent in any real system. Under such circumstances, the state of a parametric system is determined by a joint impact of the destabilizing factors of the environment and the compelling resource constraints of the system that are manifested at the physical level in the form of random external disturbances and interconnect perturbations.

It is suggested to assess the current state of the parametric system numerically by the average amount of information at its output, using a modified Shannon metric. This solution is developed through a synthesis of the integrated quality factor of the parametric system state, with determining the total and partial analytical forms of its presentation. Being multidimensional, the synthesized index establishes a single functional relationship between the system dimension, the information amount at its output, the parameters of the reference vector, as well as the dispersion levels of interconnect and external disturbances.

The study shows a practical application of the synthesized integral indicator of quality to evaluate numerically information losses at the output of the system, taking into account the combined effect of external and interconnect disturbances. The possibility of reducing the loss of information is considered with the introduction of an adaptive management regime.

Author Biographies

Valeriy Skachkov, Military Academy Fontanskaya doroga str., 10, Odesa, Ukraine, 65009

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher

Scientific Research Laboratory

Victor Chepkyi, Military Academy Fontanskaya doroga str., 10, Odesa, Ukraine, 65009

PhD, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher

Scientific Research Laboratory

Sergey Volkov, Odesa State Academy of Technical Regulation and Quality Kovalska str., 15, Odesa, Ukraine, 65020

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of сomputer and information-measuring technology

Vladislav Pavlovich, Odesa State Academy of Technical Regulation and Quality, Kovalska str., 15, Odesa, Ukraine, 65020

Postgraduate student

Department of сomputer and information-measuring technology


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How to Cite

Skachkov, V., Chepkyi, V., Volkov, S., & Pavlovich, V. (2016). Synthesis of integral quality index of parametric system state in conditions of situational uncertainty. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(3 (84), 11–18.



Control processes